chapter 10: Punches and Hospitals may solve everything

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Next day after work

''so whats the plan for tonight I'm bored''  asked Holly '' I don't know ,don't you have plans '' replied Mel '' NO!'' complained Holly '' well I do '' Mel said in a stern voice '' with Liiiiiam'' Holly teased '' yes were going to the bowling alley '' said Mel '' bowling? really? that's the best he can do? that guy is famous and has like million's and he's just taking you to the bowling alley " Holly said sarcastically '' I don't care where we are as long as I'm with him '' said Mel romantically '' fine whatever, but I hate that you turned into a sappy bimbo by the way  '' said Holly while she rolled her eyes as Hailey walked in from school.

''hey Hailey '' they greeted ''hey uh Mel shouldn't you get ready? here I'll help '' said Hailey putting her stuff down '' ok, thanks '' and they went to Mel's room to pick out an outfit.

After a few hours Liam came to pick Mel up and he came with Zayn '' I didn't know you were coming over" Said Hailey coming out with Mel '' wow you look great '' Liam complimented Mel as she was wearing a strapless flowy blue dress and black ripped leggings with white 4 inch peep toe heels,  she looked amazing '' thanks'' replied Mel with a shy voice and a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

'' we'll be back at 11 '' Mel told Hailey '' so what should we do '' Hailey asked Zayn as Mel and Liam went to they're date '' watch a movie '' replied Holly coming out of her room '' sounds great '' said Zayn, as they put in Fast & the Furious 2...

-----At the Bowling Alley-------

'' I'm glad you came here' Liam told Mel gazing into her '' glad to be here '' replied Mel '' oh I never get a strike '' she grumbled '' here I'll help, just hold the ball like this '' he said while holding her hands as he stood behind her in a romantic way, when Mel turned around he kissed her.

''so I-I think w-we sh-should...umm'' stuttered Mel '' bowl?'' continued Liam '' right uh bowl'' mumbled Mel.

After they're date they went for ice cream and when they arrived at the building, Mel and Liam's hands were entwined to each other, they were heading to Mel's flat when they saw Daniel the cop who has a crush on Mel but Mel didn't like him back that much ''Mel I was looking for you '' said Daniel looking Liam up and down threateningly.

'' Daniel what are you doing here'' asked Mel surprised '' who's this" Daniel asked glaring at Liam

''umm Daniel this is Liam my date '' said Mel '' you were on a date with this loser'' scoffed Daniel

'' excuse me '' replied Liam '' why are you doing holding my girls hands '' yelled Daniel '' YOUR girl?'' asked Liam'' i'm not YOUR girl '' said Mel a bit terrified '' why were you on a date with my girl '' he shouted in a mad voice '' she's not your girl ,dude ok she's mine'' said Liam holding her closer Daniel was so mad he tried to punch Liam but Liam stopped him before his hand could reach his jaw '' NO GUYS STOP '' yelled Mel screaming but a bit shocked when she saw the look on Liam's face and determined face in Daniel's.

The guys and girls heared Mel so they rushed out to see Liam and Daniel and Daniel was again about to try and punch Liam but Harry and Niall jumped in to stop the fight but Daniel was so fast that he was about to punch Harry but Jennifer saw it coming and was in the way so he accidentally punched her instead '' JEN '' yelled Alice she was hit so hard she fainted to the ground '' that's it '' Harry punched Daniel then Zayn called the cops to get Daniel and they got in the car to take Jen to the hospital.

They were terrified ,especially Harry '' what did the Doctor say,  is she going to be alright? is she?! '' he panicked asking Mel as she came out '' they took her to the x-ray room but the doctor said it's gonna be ok '' said Mel calminh him down '' it s all my fault I should have done something'' Liam said biting his lip "its not your fault if its any ones its Daniel's he's the one that punched her '' said Mel in a comforting voice and at the same time the nurse came in and said ''Jennifer's family'' everyone stood up '' is she going to be alright '' asked Hailey in tears worried about her sister "yes, she will but were keeping here in for the night to make sure she's ok, though she has a concussion  '' said the nurse as Harry smiled  '' can we go in and see here''  asked Holly '' yes but not all of you at once, right now probably the closest member '' replied the nurse '' I think Harry should go first than the rest of us could '' said Louis patting Harry's back as everyone nodded in agreement.

Harry went in to see Jen '' hey Jay baby" he said in whisper smiling at the nickname he chose for her  "are you ok? how are you feeling '' He asked kissing her forehead '' I'm fine babe but I have a bit of a headache ''she said blushing ''I love it when I make you blush" he said as went to sit on the seat next to her "kiss me?" she asked biting her lip and looking down and he chuckled to himself and giving her a slow but passionate kiss on the lips "TIMES UP WHERES MY B SIS" Screamed Holly walking in on them.

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