Chapter 18: Love and Parents just don't mix

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It's been 2 hours since Mr and Mrs Gibson went to get Holly '' where are mum and dad ? they will so kill me '' complained a nervous Mel as the door bell rang all the guestes left an hour ago and the girls scatered to there rooms and the boys ran to they'e flat '' bye Mel '' said Liam as he kissed her on the cheek  before he walked out the door like a gentellman.

'' look mum I know what you think ok, but Liam is a nice guy ,ok he really cares about me '' she said hoping her parents would understand '' darling he's a rock star you know how they are, they charm you and make you think that they care then when a better offer comes along they dump you and you know you're better than this '' replied Mrs Gibbson ''mum what are you saying ? '' said Melissa '' ok since you are talking about Melissa I should go to my room '' rushed Holly '' come back young lady'' said Mr Gibson sternly '' see since you have been wondering off with that boy, you have not been taking care of your sister " scolded Mr Gibson.

''its not my fault she gets into trouble '' said Mel ''this is not you Melissa, you should be focusing on your future, not on some big shot rock star '' said mrs Gibson  '' and as for you young lady '' said Mr.Gibson to Holly '' your grounded ,no partys, no going out, and to make sure, we're taking away your iPad '' he continued '' what?! that's not fair '' yelled Holly '' Melissa you will take full responsiblity for your sisters behavior and about this boy '' said Mrs gibson '' I WILL NOT STOP SEEING LIAM OK NO MATTER WHAT YOU SAY I'M TIRED OF HER DISTROYING MY LIFE, JUST TAKE HER AWAY ''  shouted Mel as she ran out the door in tears.

the girls came out and Liam went after Melissa befor Harry stopped him '' let her go ,she'll come back when she's ready '' he said "no I won't , gosh Harry you don't know anything about women'' Liam said before running after Melissa.


'' they just don't understand '' I thought to myself as I walked down the street, it was dark and the road was damp, I can't believe Holly did this, she can't help it, when I'm happy she has to ruin everything. It was raining outside but I didn't care  '' MEL ,MEL ,MELISSA WAIT ! ''  I turned around and it was Liam, his hair was wet though he looked so cute and I can see it he didn't care '' Mel what happend with you parents if it's about you, we can talk to them toghether, I'm not gonna leave you like this '' he said and for some reason I was speachless, it was suddnely like the words were prisoners in my mouth "I love You Mel and I would do anything to prove it" after that came the best kiss I've ever had. 


 Holly was nervous, her parents just said that they might take her away and they're coming back to get her tomorrow ,Mel and Liam are no where to be found and the girls are sleeping ,its almost 12 am and she's worrying her butt off.

"What are you still doing up?" came Alice in the kitchen seeing Holly sitting on the stool eating oreos ,she shrugged "waiting for Mel" she said looking down at them and Alice nodded opening the fridge to get milk.

Holly rose her eye brow at her "what?" she questioned with a glare "milk? in this hour?" she asked "well can't a girl have cravings?" Alice said rolling her eyes.

An awkward silence came along but suddenly stopped when they hear the door opens and foot steps ,they were about to check it out when they heard giggling ,it sounded like Mel and Liam "good night" he said and kissed her on the forehead "love you" she smiled at the small gesture "love you too" Liam finally said than kissed her cheek closing the door.

"Holly, Alice. I know your there" Mel said pulling of her coat "hey" the both said comming out guilty looking "Holly whats wrong" and that what drove Holly over the edge "Mum and Dad are taking me home" she cried into her older sister's sholder's.

___Next Day___

Holly was packed and was waiting for her parents all the girls were sad "hey was Natalie here?" she asked as the door opened "Nat?!" her eyes widened "hey Holl's" she smiled sheepishly and they hugged "sorry didn't come yesterday and why are you packed are you like going on a trip somewhere?" she said eyeing her luggage and the way she was dressed.

"well you see-" and Loui came in and suddenly hugged Holly "don't leave, I need you" he said,

"LOU?! GET OFF ME" she shouted "but I'll miss you, PLEASE DON'T GO I WILL PERSONALLY TALK TO YOUR PARENTS ITS MY FAULT ANYWAYS" She bit her lip, she's defintly going to miss him.

A minute later ,the rest of the gangs came out ,Alice went hugging Niall "Hey cookie" he smiled at her as she gave him a weak smile still tired, "Jay baby" Harry greeted with open arms to Jennifer and she didn't hesitate to run into them "missed you" Liam whispered into Mel's ear as they hugged and her face came instantly red "stop making me blush damn it" she mumbled and he laughed slightly.

Hailey and Zayn just stared at each other awkwardly "HAILEY" glared Jennifer, last night when everyone was asleep , Hailey went into Jennifer's room and spilled everything and that she misses Zayn and she wants him back but doesn't know how.

Hailey sighed "I wanna show you something" she said getting slightly nervous ,he nodded not asking any questions and she smiled taking his hand suddenly as electric shots ran through her arm and she continued smiling as she dragged him into her studio and open the lights, he gaped at what he saw, it was a big collage of them together and than several picture of him smiling or her doing goofy pose "you did this?" he asked and she nodded "I miss you" she mumbled and he put the biggest grin ever and looked at her like he saw something magical "I miss you even more PLEASE COME BACK TO ME" he said "will you trust me" she stared waiting , he smiled "no less than I ever did" and she went running into her arms as he spun her around.

They came out with hand intwined with each other "HEY GUYS GUESS WHAT, WERE BACK TOGETHER" when they came out, Mr and Mrs Gibson were there "bye everyone" said Holly hugging everyone one last time "Holly don't" Loui tried but she shook "Lou, you just made it worse, now they think your my boy friend , and they think you and Liam are like McJagger" He stayed silent as she kissed his cheek "visit me?" she smiled and he pretend scoffed "maybe" he said trying to act cool as she playfully punched his arm "shut up" she smiled as he smiled back hugging her one more time.

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