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"Holy fucking shit Padilla! I fucking did it" he just laughed and gave me the peace sign before focusing back on his work

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"Holy fucking shit Padilla! I fucking did it" he just laughed and gave me the peace sign before focusing back on his work.

"Good job birdie!" I laughed at him and we went back to working on the math problems. Groaning I threw my pencil down showing I had giving up completely. The next question after the one I got right was actually impossible to figure out. I threw my pen away.

"Don't give up you are getting the hang of it!" He said laughing and handing me back my pen.

"I hate maths Tony" he laughed again going over his work and writing down the answers to the questions. It was only Tony and I that shared maths class everyone else was else where.

"If I'm being honest this is just fucking hard now, is the teacher tryna kill us with boredom? Or questions that just make zero sense to my dense brain" He laughed a little to loud only to be shushed by the teacher.

"Glad to see you pissing ya pants laughing you funny looking potato!" Tony just fell out of his chair laughing his fucking ass off. Literally fell out.

"Get up you beef cake and help me with question 10!" We both laughed.

"Shut up I actually can't breath from laughing so much" I giggled at him slightly. Once he finally sat up and calmed down we started to talk normally again.

"So how's Monty?" Tony whispered to me so the teacher wouldn't get angry at us again.

"Good I guess, I don't know no mater how close we are now I feel like something drastic will happen and turn us against each other and it doesn't help he torments Tyler Down, I get he's a creep and all but he's changing and I don't know how Monty can't just see that" I groaned in frustration as Tony pat my back with the palm of his hand to calm me down.

"He just loves you, like a lot" he chuckled making me do the same.

"Yeah sometimes a little too much" he smiled at me.


"I'm this close from beating Courtney Crimsons ass to see who becomes the schools next new and improved president of Liberty motherfucking hi-"

"Fucking hell Marcus shut up!" I groaned as I silently stole half of Zach's froot loops, he wasn't complaining so I kept going.

"Jeez why are you such a bitch all of a sudden?!" He got angry, not surprised he's always on edge.

"Because I fucking can be alright?!" Now I'm angry again.

"Period?" And he made it worse.

"Are you that fucking delusional? Every time a girl is pushed at you idiots you Immediately think we're pmsing! I'm just annoyed okay and you talking about this shit is just fucking annoying and no one cares! I'm just being honest" I shrugged my shoulders as I watched him get up and leave.

Scotty raised his hand to mine asking for a hand five and I did just that. Hearing Monty chuckle, he pulled me closer into his side making me snuggle closer to him.

"I love you" I heard him say into my ear making me smile lightly at him.

"I love you more" I said making him kiss my head.

"Can you two knock off the lovey dovey shit? I'm just saying some of us are still single and lonely" Zach said annoyed.

"Shut up Zachery your honest opinions are invalid at this very moment" he scoffed at me throwing a froot loop to me and I caught it in my mouth while the group around us laughed at our actions.


I know it's a short chapter but I did like this one enjoy it x

Ruined moments ~ Montgomery De La Cruz (Pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now