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Sitting in the seat, in front of the court, reminded me of a game my family and I used to play called hot seat, they ask you a bunch of questions and you had to answer truthfully, mom usually did this if she had known that Lana and I did something...

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Sitting in the seat, in front of the court, reminded me of a game my family and I used to play called hot seat, they ask you a bunch of questions and you had to answer truthfully, mom usually did this if she had known that Lana and I did something we shouldn't have done and I know for a fact this whole thing could destroy me completely if I make a single wrong move.

I saw Mrs Baker smile at me and I did the same in return.

"Your name is Clarity Clarke? Correct?" The lady asked me.

"Yes correct" I answered flatly.

"So you were there and witnessed Hannah's death?" I looked up shocked at the first question, all eyes on me.

"I didn't witness it personally, no I was there when it happened only thinking Hannah was having a bath to calm her nerves because that day she was frustrated and unsteady, but I did witness the aftermath which was too late" I looked at the lady as she stood tall, looking down at me as if I was just a child, and in her eyes. I was, but I was the guilty one.

"So you could've saved her?" I was actually taken back. My heart clenched.

"W-what do yo-you mean I could've saved her? I was there when she slit her own wrists but how was I supposed to know she was going to do it?" I said rather harshly, even the lady looked shocked.

"You could've asked if she was alright" she challenged. I was beyond pissed at this point.

"She was having a rough day, I thought I wouldn't bother her, then I saw water leaking out of the door and that was when we knew something bad had happened, I didn't mean for this to happen! She was my goddamn best friend!" I could feel tears now threatening to fall from my eyes.

"Was it true that she was jealous of your family relationship?" I was confused.

"I wasn't aware of that, she seemed to have a pretty good family of her own, why would you think of something like that? Maybe you could focus more on the fact how people treated her at scho-"

"Answer the question Clarity!" The lady yelled at me.

"No she was not" I said firmly pushing all the tears back.

"Before she died was it true she yelled at you in front of everyone?" She pressed on.


"Why? she was frustrated with people and she took it out on me" the lady nodded looking through a clip board.

"Was it true that your name can be confirmed and it's the one on the tape?" I hesitated but nodded.


"How the hell would I know what goes through a dead girls head when she does that?" I grew angry.

"What was on your tape?" She lurched forward getting closer to me making my heart speed up.

"She was apologising to me for hurting me, for making me feel like shit after what she did, she hated Monty for him taking all my attention away from her because I was her only friend and even to today if she was to ask me something I'd snap my fingers and she'd have it, I al-also remember something else" I looked down, ashamed.

"Continue" I looked at Mrs Baker as I answered.

"The reason I ran to her was because som-someone told me that Bry-Bryce Walker had sexually assaulted her and that's why I went to go check on her, I wanted to be there for her because I knew should would never lie about something so graphic like that" I felt the tears fall down my face.

"Anything else?" The lady asked.

"She didn't deserve what happened to her, she was my best friend and I loved her with all my heart, she needs justice" I cried out as the court told us everything was over.

"That's all thankyou miss Clarke!" He went to say something else but I wasn't having it.

"No that's not fair! It's like no one fucking listening to me! She's dead and no one cares, she's g- gone and I could've save her, we all cou-could've saved her" I was in tears as was Mrs Baker, watching what had happened.


I was in my bed, my head on my moms lap as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"You did good baby" she whispered softly.

"I still don't believe I did though mom, she's dead and I could've stopped her" I cried more and my mom pulled me closer and soon I get my sisters arm around me as well.

"You're so strong big sis" I smiled wholeheartedly at my family.

"I love you two" with that I fell asleep.


Yep that happens!!

Ruined moments ~ Montgomery De La Cruz (Pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now