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"Hey Lana, what's happening?" She looked sad, tears had stained her now really Rosie cheeks, I quickly met her eye level by leaning down

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"Hey Lana, what's happening?" She looked sad, tears had stained her now really Rosie cheeks, I quickly met her eye level by leaning down.

"What's wrong little L" she shook her head and I held her closer as she cried more.

"Some girl keeps calling me mean names and calling you horrible things and it hurts to know that's how people think, what makes this worse is that my friends believe it and they stopped being friends with me and it hurts" she cried and I held her closer to me as we rocked back and forth.

"That's why you never listen to what people say to you" she looked at me rolling her eyes.

"You don't get it! Neither you or mom do, I'm just gonna go upstairs" I frowned as I watched my sister descend up the stairs to her room, sighing I just had no idea what to do.


"She's pissed off Sheri" I complained as my tan friend and I made our way into the school when everyone's eyes were on us including the jocks who I was hoping wouldn't see me.

"What's going on?" I heard her whisper when we saw Alex walk towards us. Slowly but surely.

"Apparently someone leaked Hannah's tapes" my worst fucking night mare just came true. What was worse was when I heard my name being said over the speaker in Hannah's voice, I froze all eyes on me including Monty's. My head dropped when I felt Jessica's arms around my shoulder to comfort me.


"Clarity Jane Clarke, this is your tape" I shivered as I remembered the day so clearly when I received these.

"You see, these tapes will help you understand why I did what I did and I hope you Clarry can forgive me for damaging your already damaged soul"

"The moment I met you, I envied everything about you. From the perfect red hair, gorgeous honey eyes to that smile with perfect white teeth and a single mom who could be the best mom to two kids, you made me feel welcomed and I pushed you away and I broke and in that moment I knew I'd finally hurt you as well" tears I couldn't take it anymore I ran into the girls bathroom blocking out the voice as best as I could, not feeling a set of arms around my frame I pushed myself closer to the person as the whispered sweet nothings into my ear knowing clearly that it was Monty.

"You are one of the few souls I will forever cherish when I'm gone and I'm only going to say this once. I will miss you the most" with the last paragraph ending I looked up at the boy in front of me, clutching his shirt continuing to apologise for accusing him, but deep down all I wanted to do was kill him for what he did.

"I didn't do it" he spoke up and I looked up at him.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked confused at the beautiful boy in front of me.

"It was Bryce who wrote the note and someone else threw it at you, I'd never hurt you like that. I love you so much for me to be able to hurt you like that" I nodded and pulled myself closer to him as the door bursted open with Mr Porter and few of my friends including Tony, Alex and Jess.

"Take her to my office now Mr De La Cruz" Monty nodded as he helped me up and gave me to girls before kissing my head and letting me go.

"He didn't do it, Bryce did it" I said looking at the ground.

"Did what?" Jess asked.

"Gave me the threat" I said again.

"Then now we have to figure out who's giving you love letters" Tony spoke up.

"You're getting love notes? From who?" Jess asked again.

"That's the thing we don't know and someone put this in my locker" I handed the Polaroid to Tony as he cringed at the picture.

"Where is that?" I shrugged.

"The jocks call it the clubhouse and that was the first time I went, they don't tell you the location and somehow we forget where it is" they looked at me like I was crazy.

The three of us walked past Tyler and I smiled at him reassuring him I was okay.

"He's still creepy" Jess laughed as I hit her shoulder.

"Be nice, he's in as much shit as the lot of us" she laughed then continued.

"Maybe he's the secret letter writing boy" she smirked and my heart just sank.

"I never thought about that" she just shrugged as we entered Mr Porters office.


I feel as if someone is using us all in their own stupid chess game and it's like they're picking us all out one by one, claiming their victory and that person is Hannah fucking Baker. How is a dead girl still ruining everyone and she isn't even here to do it.


Chapter completed

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