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My locker door slammed shut and I jumped back with my hand held over my heart

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My locker door slammed shut and I jumped back with my hand held over my heart.

"Oh my! Jess, Alex?" They looked at me and handed me these notes with bright red paint on them.

"What're these?" I asked the two making them look at me like I just killed a bird.

"You haven't gotten any?" Jess asked looking at me.

"No am I supposed too?" I shook my head at the two in front of me.

"Well everyone is getting them who has a tape a-and we kinda have a theory on who it could be and we know you won't like it!" Alex explained.

"Spit if out then!" I said.

"We think it's Monty" I laughed at the two, before turning back to open my locker.

"Guys I get he's a prick and all and you don't like him but he would never stoop that fucking low!" I was a tad bit frustrated.

"You haven't received one but we all have, everyone who is testifying or was on a tape" I looked up at them like they were crazy.

"Unless you're not?" Jess said.

"I never got asked and that's probably why no one has done this to me yet" I said.

"It still is most likely him Clarry!" Alex said a little too loudly.

"No leave my boyfriend alone for all I know it could some stupid idiot who just wants to make us look worse then we already do!" I slammed my locker shut and walked away from the two Cleary frustration and annoyance written on my face.

"No leave my boyfriend alone for all I know it could some stupid idiot who just wants to make us look worse then we already do!" I slammed my locker shut and walked away from the two Cleary frustration and annoyance written on my face

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"Will you testify, Clarity?" Mrs Baker asked me as she sat in my living room.

"Of course I will, but why ask me now when you could've ages ago"

"I need someone who I know will tell the truth" she said looking down and I grabbed her hands in comfort.

"No ones saying the truth?" I looked shocked.

"Only one, his names Tyler, sweet boy and if they 'have' it doesn't sound like the Hannah we knew she wasn't like they make her out to be" she cried and I hugged the women closer to me.

"I will do it" I said making her lean back and smile at me.

"Thank you!" She smiled a watery one and I nodded at her.


Lying in bed with Monty's arm around my waist I turned to look at him as his eyes were glued to his phone.

"People are talking some stuff mont and I don't like what they're saying" he puts his phone down and pulls me closer to his bare chest.

"Like what baby?" He was curious, I swallowed the lump in my throat as I continued.

"They're saying you're the one sending them threats to stay quiet and all that and I don't believe them but I need to know from you" he thought for a minute, trying to pick his words carefully.

"Well about that" he said rubbing his neck nervously.

"What do you mean 'about that Monty?' Are you the who is doing it?" I sat up straight looking at him as he dropped his head.

"Holy shit, it's you isn't it? What the hell Monty!" I yelled at him and he sat up to grab me.

"They're meaningless pranks!" He tried to defend himself but I was already out of the bed grabbing my clothes and getting changed.

"That's not harmless! A bullet for Alex, slut shaming Jess? Hell even telling Clay to shut the hell up! This is disgusting" he went to grab me but I pulled away from him.

"Am I next? Becuse guess what Monty! I am testifying I got asked after school by Mrs Baker! And I fucking said I'd do it!" He looked shocked and hurt.

"I'm sorry baby!" He tried to say as I left his room angry.

"Save it!" With that I slammed his door and left outside to my own. Opening my door and slamming it my mom and sister looked at my tear stained face, but decided against saying anything to me and let me be, I was grateful for that.


I walked into the school with Clay by my side.

"I know it's Monty who is sending the threats and I'm so sorry" he smiled softly at me as I was wreck, my eyes puffy and swollen slightly and my effort for clothes was unbelievably not there for once.

"It's okay are you going to talk to him?" Shaking my head no.

"No he did the wrong thing and he can suffer the consequences for once" he looked at me and I felt an arm around my shoulder, confused until I heard the voice of Mr Tony Padilla.

"He looks normal and you look like hell, what is going the fuck on?" I looked up at Tony.

"He's the one threatening everyone who is testifying and I told him I was as well" Clay and Tony stopped and I looked at them strangely.

"When did that happen? How and when?" Clay asked frantically.

"Mrs Baker came to mine yesterday and asked and I said I would for Hannah and her family" they nodded and hugged me as the bell went.

I walked past Monty and all them with Tony by my side.

"He's staring" he whispered to me.

"Let him, plus who cares we have math now let's just go" with that we both headed to the dreadful class.

Chapter complete

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