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I was lost without him, he was the one who kept me going and he was the one who taught me to be strong and fierce, yet he was also the one who lost me completely

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I was lost without him, he was the one who kept me going and he was the one who taught me to be strong and fierce, yet he was also the one who lost me completely.


It had been a week since what happened between, myself, Tyler and Monty and I was just not up for facing reality and I guess my mom just gave up on trying to get me back at school.

I kissed Tyler after Monty was going to physically hurt the boy and I felt horrid for leading him on.

"Clarity get the fuck out of bed" I heard Tony say from outside my bedroom door, rolling over into the opposite facing away from the door I just stayed silent.

"Fine I'm breaking this door down if you don't answer me" I stayed silent and heard him sigh and leave. Good.

That didn't last long As I heard tussling from outside my window, fuck I didn't lock it. I went to run towards it when I saw Tony was already half way in.

I groaned and he laughed.

"See i told you I could break in!" He smiled and I rolled my eyes.

"No you said you were going to break my door down!" He laughed harder.

"Same same but different" rolling my eyes I went to go back into my bed but Tony obviously had other plans, tipping my blanket from me and pulling me towards my bathroom.

"No you don't and you need a shower you reek of depression" He rolled his eyes while pushing me into the room.



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Tony being himself made me grab the cutest outfit that belonged in my wardrobe, making sure he knew that I'd make 'Monty crawl and start kissing my feet and begging for forgiveness' his words not mine.

Then I realised it's time I face Montgomery De La Cruz.

Was I ready? Probably not.

I would feel guilty for the kiss I had with Tyler and the fact that I liked it and then I'd feel like a bitch for still wanting Monty back after what happened in males bathroom.


"You're fine, it's only him you need to worry for and I bet he's not going to do much" Tony assured me, gripping his arm we marched down the halls to my locker and unfortunately there stood majority of the Baseball team and Chloe.

"Move it assholes!" Tony growled as Monty's eyes only stayed put on me the entire time.

"Why would we do that huh? Faggot..." Bryce had this smug look on his face. Making me turn red from anger. I was about to crack and lose it completely.

"Just fuck off Bryce your blocking my locker you cunt!" He looked at me and decided to keep going. That mouth leads him no where.

"You still have a mouth huh don't you lil Clarke? Still got that anger, that lil temper?" Bryce was Taunting me. Like really taunting me.

"Just fuck off Bryce no one cares about you anymore anyway" with that he stared both Tony and I down and decided to finally walk away, making me blow out a breath, then I felt a hand on my arm, I saw Monty's hand but I shook it off.

"Leave me alone Monty, please" I had tears in my eyes, he shook his head, coming closer towards me.

"I know I fucking was about to do the most unholy thing anyone has witnessed but I never meant to intentionally hurt you, you're my girl, the only one for me and I'm so fucking sorry for everything that I have ever done to you, all I've ever wanted to do is to make you happy and I just keep screwing up everything but I try to mend things and I can't keep being the one to fix things all the damn fucking time, but I do because I'm in love with you and I see a future with you and that's all I want" he ranted as tears had now started to fall from my eyes, he wiped them away, ma leaning into his hands.

"How am I supposed to forget what you did mont? You almost took something so dear to a man, his ability to feel strong, and then my mental state is not okay Monty and I'm scared. I'm in love with you but I don't know what to fucking do anymore, I'm so lost without you and I can't seem to find myself anywhere anymore. You helped me do all that and I need that back but I'm scared that something worse will happen between us two" he kissed my forehead as I was leaning into his body and at this point everyone had left to first period including Tony.

"Want to skip to talk about everything" he asked making me nod my head and is two leaving the doors towards his car, but once we sat inside his vehicle it was just silent, not awkward it was just a plain and simple quietness and it was rather peaceful, feeling his ha f on my thigh gave me some comfort as I intertwined our fingers.

I make everything worse by choosing something wonderful.


I had Jess at my house trying to calm down my breathing, she was just sitting there picking at her nails knowing I was stressed.

"Jesus Clarity just sit the fuck down!" She groaned as she threw herself onto my bed.

"How? I fucked Monty again in the back of his Jeep and it was so fucking good but We keep fighting and having make up sex! Like that can't be healthy, at all. We always go through some shit and it's usually really bad but I always forgive him, I'm so fucking horrible!" I groaned as I finally plopped onto my vanity chair making Jess look at me.

"It's not a bad thing, you two are so in love no matter what happens it's bound for you two to go back to one another so stop stressing and just keep fucking him it makes him less angry all the time and he gives Alex and Tyler a break" she shrugging her shoulders.

"Holy shit I always forget to catch up with Tyler!" She laughed at me as I plopped on the bed next to her.

"You also need to catch up with Alex and Zach, I know they feel bad about what's happened in the past but they do feel sorry" I nodded at Jess and decided I'd do it next time I see the two boys.

"Do you see yourself and Monty having a future together" Jess said to me.

"The bad thing is, I do!" I said as we just looked up at the ceiling on my roof contemplating this stupid life we all have.


There's one swear word in this chapter I absolutely despise but here I am using it! Ughhhh

Ruined moments ~ Montgomery De La Cruz (Pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now