
732 14 1

Head held down as many roaming eyes landed on me, word gets around fast and some people just don't like the answer to many unsolved questions

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Head held down as many roaming eyes landed on me, word gets around fast and some people just don't like the answer to many unsolved questions.

Whispers going around about how much of a horrible person I am for letter Hannah just to sit and bleed away in her bath, how I should've died instead, it was just all awful.

Monty wouldn't even look me in the eyes.

Opening my locker and something fell out, a Polaroid picture, my heart dropped because I knew exactly what it's from.

The fucking club house.

It was me, with Monty only it wasn't as pretty as it seemed, this was before him and I started to date and after this picture all hell broke lose, including Monty beating up Bryce for trying to touch me.

"Clarity! Clarry!" My head whipped around to face Clay as I shoved the picture into my back pocket.

"What!?" He leaned closer so only I could hear.

"Justin's back" my eyes went wide.

"W-what!" He nodded confirming everything.

"Yeah he's at my place hiding out, he wants to testify and help Jess out" I smiled slightly.

"That's sweet" he shook his head.

"It would be even more sweet if she knew and didn't hate him" I looked down realising he was right.

Clay ended up saying good bye and walking to his class and I headed to biology which I had with basically every fucking jock, including Bryce and Monty.


I was writing down my notes and my desk was between Monty and Zach when I get something hit my back, looking down and picking up the paper. I was shocked non the less. There it was my threat from Montgomery De La Cruz.

Why would you say what you did, bitch!?

I looked at him with tears in my eyes, but he didn't look at me.

It was like he just stopped giving a shit!

The bell rang and I grabbed my shit and the paper as I slammed it on his desk.

"Take your fucking insults and shove em up your ass Mont. We are fucking over" he looked up at me with a frown and a confused look.

I took zero notice of it as it was all an act.

"I don't know what you're on about bab-"

"Don't you babe me! Look at this Mont if this isn't from you then who is it from?" I was crying now and all he did was sit still as I scoffed and walked away, running into Jess.

"Shit Clarity, you okay?" I shook my head as she grabbed my arms, Alex beside her looking at me. I was getting upset again.

"I'm so sorry I never believed you about Monty doing the threats, I just got one!" I cried more as Jess held me closer, rubbing my back.


As I opened my locker to put all my stuff in to conclude the day I found the roses and another card in my locker, scoffing I picked it up.

"I saw you were upset, feel better beautiful, I think you deserve better then Monty! ~ ❤️"

I turned around and saw Tyler in the corner of my eyes, he looked at me and I softly smiled at him and he smiled back.

"Who are the flowers from, Monty?" I jumped at Tony's voice, turning to face him, my head dropping in the process.

"No to him and I have no idea to that, I broke up with Monty and I have an admiring person who looks at me from afar" he shrugged and put his arms around my shoulders.

"Movie and junk food night and sleep all day tomorrow?" I smiled at Tony and laughed.


"My mind just needs a break you know? He is hurting me more more each day Tony!" We spoke as The little mermaid was playing on the screen.

"Hannah's dead, everyone like hates me, I'm getting weird messages from someone and my boyfriend, I mean ex boyfriend are having a rocky path and I'm fucking losing myself! What's next Hannah's tapes getting fucking leaked!?" Time will tell it's part as all hell breaks completely loose.


Completed chapter!

Ruined moments ~ Montgomery De La Cruz (Pt.2)Where stories live. Discover now