3. How you wake him up

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Cole- “Cole.” If he sleeps any longer he’ll miss rehearsal and no matter how adorable he looks you know he’s got to wake up. “Cole, baby it’s time to get up.” He’s sleeping like the dead. “Cole.” You start to mess with his face, trying to get him up. “Babe you have to get up!” He sleepily pushes your hands away and falls back to sleep. You lean over him and softly whisper in his ear “Baby, I need you.” His eyes snap open and he sits up in time to see you running out of the room with a smirk on your face.  

Dalton- When you wake up you find you rolled over in the middle of the night and ended up lying on top of him. You prop your head on his chest and watch him sleep for awhile, his soft snores making you smile. You decide you want him to get up already and lightly blow air into his face. His face scrunches up and you can’t help but laugh as you do it again. He smiles as he opens his eyes. “Two words babe.” He says. “Morning. Breath.” You glare at him and lean forward, planting a kiss right on his mouth. He sighs, wrapping his arms around you and you pull away. “Uh babe-“ You say. “Morning. Breath.” He glares and pulls you back down to his lips.

Dana- “Dana. Psst- Dana.” You shake him softly. “Dana, wake up. Dana!” He shifts and his mouth falls slightly open but he’s still deeply asleep. A sneaky smile flashes across your face as you get an idea. You lean over him and softly press your lips to his- once, twice. When you get no response you try again. This time you let your tongue slip between his lips and before you realize what’s happening his hand is on your neck holding you close and he’s kissing you back.

Gabe- His snoring wakes you up and you try to glare at him but he’s knocked out. “Gabe.” You whisper.  “Gabe, be quiet.” When you get no response you poke him in the side. He twitches but has yet to actually wake up. You smile as you figure you can have some fun with him. You pinch his side and start to tickle him as he wakes with a start. “What? Wha- Ahh stop!” He laughs. “Stop (Y/N)! Stop!” He fights back and soon you two are involved in an all out tickle war.

Will- His arms wrapped around you as he sleeps and you really don’t want to move but you’re bored to death, having been awake for an hour already. You slowly untangle yourself from his arms and sit up, looking for something to entertain you. Nothing catches your eye and you find yourself staring at Will again. He looks so peaceful but your need to do something is too overwhelming and you sigh as you try to wake him up. “Will.” You shake his arm. “Will.” You shake him more violently and raise your voice. “Will! Babe!” Nothing seems to be working and you smile as you get an idea. You stand up on the bed and start bouncing up and down. “Will! Will! Will!!!!” You’re in the middle of a jump when his hand reaches out and grabs your leg causing you to fall and land on top of him. He cracks an eye open and looks down at your smiling face. “(Y/N) you’re crazy.” You laugh and kiss him. “I love you too.” He smiles, fully awake. “Alright you’re not crazy, but I swear you’re gonna drive me crazy.”

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