23. You Meet At An Amusment Park

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I'm not going on! You lied! You said this line was for the bumper cars!" the boy in front of you shouts, elbowing his dark-haired friend. "I didn't lie, I just didn't tell the complete truth," the other boy replies, pushing his friend towards the ride. "I'm not going on, Gabe!" the first boy shouts. You angrily tap your foot behind them. Maybe they weren't getting on this roller coaster today, but you certainly wanted to! They were holding up the line. "EXCUSE ME," you tap the boy's shoulder and he turns around curiously. Shit. It's Will Jay. And Gabe Morales. "You're holding up the line!" you choke out, trying not to be starstruck. He smiles, brown eyes glittering. "I'm afraid of roller coasters and this boy," he nudges Gabe. "Lied and he's trying to make me go on!" Gabe rolls his eyes at Will. "Come on! Just one ride!" Gabe sighs. You watch the both of them in awe an annoyance. Famous as they are, they're holding up the line. "How about this," Will begins, looking at you with amusement and then back to Gabe. "I'll go on the roller coaster if this pretty girl will ride with me and hold my hand." Gabe and Will look at you hopefully. "Sure. I'm (Y/N) by the way," you say nervously, a smile across your face. "I'm W-" You cut him off. "I know." As the next roller coaster cart pulls up and he grabs your hand, you can tell he's clearly afraid. "Hey, you've played concerts for thousands and you've been mobbed my fans, I think that's scarier than this," you say comfortingly. He nods slowly and holds your hand during the whole ride.


"Where in the hell is the carousel?" you and your best friend look down at the park map and sigh. "There's like a zillion freaking rides on here! I don't know where it is!" your best friend replies. A gust of wind passes by, sending the map flying right out of your hands and across the park. "Crap!" you and your friend start chasing after the colorful paper, when a boy catches it and laughs. "I think you've got a runaway map," he says, handing it to you, chocolate eyes, muscular...Dana Vaughns. "Ha! Yeah, this map is not a friend, we can't find anything," you say jokingly, trying to stay calm. Dana laughs, his eyes squinting in a smile. "Hm, maybe I can help? What are you trying to find?" He leans close, looking at the map in your hands and you tell him your dilemma. "Ahh, I was just over by the carousel, I'll walk you both there. Gotta make sure that map stays in line," he jokingly scolds the map, sending you and your friend into a fit of laughter. "Thank you, my hero," you say happily once the carousel is in view. "Come ride with us!" your best friend encourages, tugging his arm. You silently thank her for giving him the offer. "Sure! The carousel is fun," he replies, then turns to you. "Ride next to me?"


You raise your arm carefully and hold the dart between your fingers. You're a balloon dart pro and one more balloon, you win the grand prize...a giant stuffed panda. Swoosh! The dart flies through the air, hitting a green balloon right in the middle. The 'Winner' siren goes off and the person running the stand hands you the giant fluffy panda with a smile. "Wow! Teach me your ways," a boy says from behind you, admiring your balloon dart skills. You laugh and realize the boy is none other than Cole Pendery. "Well, if you insist," you reply, setting the panda aside. "But balloon darts is an art that's hard to be mastered." Cole steps up beside you and slaps a few bills on the table, the person handing him five darts. You show him how to hold the dart and he throws it, and somehow it flies backwards, sending you both into a fit of laughter. "How is that even possible?" you choke out through a laugh. He shrugs and retrieves the dart. "Obviously I need more training," he says jokingly, Brown eyes sparkling. A few darts later and many failed attempts, Cole throws his hands up in defeat. "Screw this, want to go on the Ferris wheel?" he says finally. "Oh, of course," you reply, clutching your panda.


"Oh my GOD," you shriek as your little cousin sticks his cotton candy in your hair. You hear a laugh from nearby and your little cousin squeals in amusement. "Hey! This is NOT funny!" you shout angrily, turning around to see where the laugh is coming from. The laugh is coming from David Scazone. "No, no, it's not funny," he walks closer, still laughing, and hands you some napkins. "Well, maybe a little funny," you reply, taking the napkins gratefully, trying to get the sticky pink sugar out of your hair. "Here, let me help," David takes a napkin and carefully pats at your hair. "All gone," he says after a moment. "Ah, thank you," you sigh and shake your head at your cousin and your Aunt who hadn't even noticed. "You know, cotton candy is much better when it's eaten, not stuck in one's hair," david adds. "Is it?" you reply, raising an eyebrow. "Yup. How about we go get some? My treat?" he points to the cotton candy stand a few feet away. "Sounds good."


"Ew, it's so hot out," you whine, the sun blaring down. "I'm so hot!" You and your friends picked the HOTTEST day of the year to visit the amusement park. "Maybe I should get away from you then," a boy says cheekily from nearby, overhearing your complaints. You let out a laugh despite yourself. "Oh, you think you're hot, do you?" you ask, turning to see an all-too-familiar boy. Gabe Morales. Damn, he looks even better in real life than on posters..."Well, a few people have told me so," he says with a laugh. "But no wonder you're so hot, I mean, those eyes, those legs." He smiles and holds out his hand. "Gabe." You smile and blush at his comment. "(Y/N), and thank you for your compliments, pretty boy,"you wink. "How about we go find some air conditioning and cool off?" he offers, running his hand through his hair. "Sounds fabulous," you reply, looping your arm through his.


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