22. You Cook Together

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You looked over at David and immediately burst into a fit of laughter. You had invited him over to help you cook your sister's birthday dinner and he showed up to your house wearing a 'Kiss the cook' apron and a paper chef hat. He looked down at his apron, pointing to the words and clearing his throat. You just rolled your eyes, pulling him closer to you and placing a kiss on his lips. "Much better. Now, let's get started!" You both went into the kitchen and got out all of the ingredients that you needed to make the food. You knew that David was an excellent cook so you let him take the reigns a little bit as you sat back and admired him. He always looked so focused when he was cooking and it was honestly turning you on to see him like that. After he put the main dish into the oven, you set down the knife that you were using to cut the vegetables and pulled him in for another kiss, but it was definitely more heated than the first. He pulled away and turned his attention back to the food so that it didn't burn, but he promised to continue later that night.


"(Y/N) am I doing this right?" You looked over and saw Cole trying to beat the eggs with a spoon and chuckled slightly. You loved him, but he had never been the best cook in the world. You walked up behind him with a whisk and took his hands in yours, showing him how to do it correctly. As you were mixing in the other ingredients, you noticed that Cole had just been staring at you the whole time, instead of paying attention. "Now how are you ever going to learn how to cook if you keep staring at me, Pendery?" "Hey, it's not my fault i'd rather look at your beautiful face than a beaten egg." You rolled your eyes and flicked flour into his face before going back to what you were doing. Cole had given up and just watched you do your thing. After the meal was done you both sat down at your kitchen table and ate. "My compliments to the chef. I'll have to thank her specially later" Cole looked at you and winked and your cheeks burned red at the thought of what he had in mind.


Will had just finished setting up the camera as you were tying your apron around your waist. "Are we seriously doing this right now?" You asked him, laughing at the idea. The rain had ruined your plan of having a day out in the park so you suggested that you stay inside and cook dinner, which gave Will the idea of filming your own little cooking show. He pressed record and quickly stepped in front of the camera. "Hello ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to Cooking with Will and (Y/N)! I'm Will!" You tried to stop laughing enough so that you could say the line that Will had given you. "And i'm (Y/N)!" "On today's show, (Y/N) and I will be showing you how to make a gourmet dish and one of my personal favorites: Ice Cream Sundaes!" This was your cue to hold up the dish that you had already prepared, so you took it from it's place on the counter and channeled your inner Vana White, sending Will into a fit of laughter. Halfway through your show, you ended up getting a little bit of chocolate sauce on Will's arm and that sent you both into a giant food war, ending with Will squirting whipped cream on your hair and placing a cherry on top. He gave you a chocolate covered kiss and you both decided that you should probably clean the mess up before his mom got home and saw it.


It was you and Gabe's first morning in your new apartment so you both decided it would be fun to make breakfast together. While he got started on making the pancake mix, you scrambled the eggs and cut up some fruit. You were both running around your kitchen, adding this and that to each bowl, trying to make it your own. By the time you had finished, the pancake mix ended up being almost black. "Babe, I don't think we were supposed to melt the chocolate chips into the batter." He took one look at the color and started laughing, dipping in one of his fingers to get a taste. "I don't know, I think we just invented the world's best chocolate pancakes." You laughed at him and dipped your own finger in, but instead of tasting it you wiped the batter on the tip of your nose. "Let me get that for you." You teased, placing a small kiss where you left the food. After several batter tasting kisses later, you put the pancakes in the frying pan as Gabe finished making the eggs and some toast. You both sat at your breakfast bar and enjoyed the meal, taking pictures of it to show everyone your new invention.


It was your parent's anniversary so you and Dana decided that for your gift you would make them a nice meal. Dana arrived at your house with the ingredients that you would need and you led him to the kitchen where he placed the bags on the counter. You pulled out one of your mom's cookbooks and flipped to the page that you would need, reading out the instructions while Dana plugged in his iPod so that you could listen to music as you worked. "Okay, step one: mix flour and bread crumbs into a bowl then add two eggs, beaten." You and Dana completed the steps as directed, dancing around your kitchen as you did so. By the time you finished cooking the meal, you were both covered from head to toe in flour and grease so you decided to clean up a bit before serving it to your parents. You both took quick showers and changed into the waiter and hostess outfits that you bought for the occasion, knowing that your parents would love it. As Dana set the table, you went back into the kitchen and prepared the dishes. Once you were sure that they looked perfect, you called to your parents and served them the food. They thanked you greatly for the gift and you left them alone to enjoy their meal. You had made dishes for yourself and Dana so you both ate at the counter in your kitchen, having a little celebration of your own.

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