7. He's Sick

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Gabe:"AAACHHOOO!" sneezes Gabe. Gabe’s under the covers in his bed while you’re sitting next to him by his feet. You winch and move away a little from him though when he sneezes again. Gabe’s got a bad cold and cannot stop sneezing. He’s been sick for two days straight now and you’re there to help him get through it. He groans, wiping his nose then throwing the tissue into the almost full trashcan of tissues. He pulls his knees up against his chest under his blankets on his bed."I hate being sick," he says annoyed and muffled with his nose stuffed up. You give him a small,apologetic smile then rub his foot over the sheets. “I know. I’m sorry you have to deal with this,” you say. He just shrugs. “Hopefully, it’ll be gone in a few days,” he sighs, gazing out the window. 

You suddenly get an idea in your head which makes you criss cross your legs onto his bed, facing him. “Hey, have you tried taking a shower?” you ask. He looks a little confused. “Uh, no.” "Well whenever I’m sick I always take a hot shower; the warm water and steam help drain that nasty stuff out," you explain. "You should take one!" Gabe nods his head, convinced. “Okay. It couldn’t hurt.”

He hops out of his bed, heading towards his bathroom. As he does this pulls his shirt up over his head, throwing it into the dirty hamper. All you can do is stare at his body as he does this. Geez, even when he’s disgustingly snotty he STILL looks good! you think to yourself. He turns his shoulder to look at you and notices you staring at him. He chuckles, “I’ll be right out, Y/N.”

Embarrassed you just mumble, “Ok..”


"Uuggghh babe, go away. I don’t want you to see me like this," moans David in pain, kneeling next to the toilet with his head dropped. You’re leaning your shoulder up against the bathroom doorway and sigh sympathetically. “Aw Dav, it’s ok, don’t worry about it,” you say. He moves from his hunched position next to the toilet and slowly leans back against the bathtub, groaning the entire time. You don’t know if you should go comfort him or not; you’re both not sure if what he has is contagious. 

David lifts his tired eyes to you and sees you tentatively standing there still. He gives you a weak smile."I’m sorry I ruined our plans for this weekend," he says trying to laugh it off. You chuckle. “It’s ok; I just want you to get better,” you say smiling back. “How about we watch a movie to take your mind off it?”

David weakly grins and slowly starts to get up from the floor. “As long as it doesn’t have anything that’ll trigger my upchuck.”

"A Disney movie it is then," you say, smiling.

David fully stands up now. “Uh..no, it’s so cutesy I’ll throw up,” he says sassy. You just smirk and playfully whack his arm lightly.

Will: You and Will are in his room. He has his face down in his pillow, in pain from a really intense migraine. "Y/N…do you think you could shut off the lights? The brightness isn’t helping my head…" you hear him mumble through his pillow. "Sure," you say quietly. You get up as quietly as you can, switching off the lights so now it’s almost pitch black in his room. The only light coming in are the rays of midday sunshine through his blinds that are down. Will rolls over from his head buried in the pillow to facing the ceiling. “Thank you,” he says weakly.  You walk back over to the other side of the bed and curl up next to him without saying a word. He pulls you into his embrace and you two just lay in the dark quiet, enjoying the silence. You two can occasionally hear the sounds of sprinklers in the distance, the neighbors children laughing in their front yard and airplanes flying overhead. It’s peaceful though. It almost is even more relaxing knowing there is a wonderful, fast paced world right outside his window but you two just cuddling in the quiet shadows seems just as wonderful. "I don’t think the medicine I took is helping…" Will says after awhile of silence.You look up at him, still resting on his chest. “Maybe a nap would be the best thing for you,” you suggest. He gives you a small smile and nods ok. You both situate yourselves comfortably again, intertwining your hands and slowly drift off to sleep.

Dana: Dana’s been nonstop talking and singing because of the performances, the interviews and the meet & greets; It has really put a strain on his voice. One performance in the middle of singing, he completely lost his voice. He tried opening his mouth to sing but nothing but a horse raspy noise came out. Of course, Jill put him on vocal rest for at least a week. "Hi babe," you say entering Dana’s bedroom. He’s sitting up in his bed, surrounded by his electronics. He looks up and smiles seeing you and waves. You walk over and flop down next to him on the edge of the bed, hiding your hands behind your back. “Sooo….I brought you a surprise,” you say with a mischievous smile. Dana raises an eyebrow, his face full of questions but of course can’t speak a word to ask about it. 

You move your hands from behind your back to reveal a gigantic strawberry shake in your hands. His face lights up and almost chuckles. You hand it to him and he takes it nodding, ‘Thank you’ still smiling.

"I thought something cold on your throat might help," you say. Dana takes a long sip then nods his head satisfied. ‘Oh yeah!’ he mouths, nodding his head approvingly. 

You just chuckle, “Good! Now I know what I can do to help you sing again!”

Cole: "What can I do to help?" you ask Cole. 

Cole has been sick for almost 2 days now and has a really high fever currently. Sweat is dripping down his red forehead from the tips of his hair and onto his burning cheeks. He’s tossing and turning, uncomfortably in his bed while you sit on the edge of it."Ice, ice baby," he chuckles at his humor but then quickly moans in pain again from the heat.

You just giggle and smirk. “Alright, I’ll be right back,” you say, leaving his room and heading towards the kitchen. You go to the refrigerator and grab a few ice cubes. You wrap them up in a paper towel then head back upstairs to Cole’s room. When you open the door you see that Cole is now shirtless (and possibly pant-less- you don’t know, his legs are under the covers..). Surprised by how ripped he is, you almost drop the ice cube towel by stumbling back on your heel a bit but he doesn’t notice; he’s too focused on how flippin hot he feels (no pun intended).

You walk over and sit back down on the edge of his bed and bring the towel up to his forehead. As soon as the cool towel hits the surface of his skin he immediately let’s out a relieved sigh, relaxing a little bit, resting back into his pillow."Does this help?" you ask.

He chuckles in relief. “Oh ya, this is what I needed.” You grab a few more towels and soak them in cold water. You dab Cole’s face, neck and almost his chest until he falls asleep, now completely cool thanks to you.

Ct:// http://gazebostarlight.tumblr.com/post/68020866003/im5-63-hes-sick-request

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