It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic] (1)

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*/ New Story! Might be short, might be continuous...i'm undecided yet. But i got hooked on Fan Fiction last night after reading it until 4am haha :) Anyway, let me know if you like it :) /*

"Hannaaaahhhh!" I heard my brother shout to me from the living room, obviously needing my attention for something and I swear to god; if he wanted me to re-string his guitar for him again it was a straight no. I had only done it last week, just after the end of his UK tour, and my hands were all sore from then. Stupid rock star brothers.

I did love him though; I mean, my parents were always away with work and such so I always ended up hanging out with him and his band... even touring with them. Hey, I was officially a part of the All Time Low family and it was pretty damn brilliant. All the time we spent together meant that we had gotten really close over the last few years; and in all honesty, I don't know what I would do without him. Same with the band, they were my best friends and like my second family.

I sighed as I poured myself a glass of water.

"Coming!" I shouted back to him, "Do you want a drink?"

When he replied with a no, I walked through to the living room and sat on the couch opposite him. I sipped my water slowly and flicked through the music channels on the television. My browsing didn't last long, however, because Alex snatched the TV controls from me and turned it off. It was then that I noticed he was sat with a pad and pen, his guitar sat beside him.

I'm not sure if you've ever heard of a band called All Time Low; but my brother, Alex Gaskarth, was the lead singer. If you haven't heard of All Time Low then I doubt that you're even living in the same century as us, I mean HELLO! They've had countless top 10 songs and played some of the biggest venues and music festivals in the world, literally. They were such normal guys though. I couldn't let the fame ruin my opinions of them because I'd known them since we were all kids, only I was a couple of years younger than the others.

"Hannah, I can't get this lyric right!"

His face looked disappointed; I always helped him when he got stuck with lyrics. So much so that now I'd started writing my own stuff...not that I let him or any of the others know, though. No way, they were much too personal.

"Right, so what have you got so far?"

I placed the water on the coffee table in front of me and he came and sat beside me, showing me his not pad and pointing at certain lines.

"Well, so far I've got this."

I nodded my head. "Hey Alex, that's pretty good. Really good, actually. What's the problem?"

I immediately saw the problem when he tapped a line on the page. I could see that it had been scribbled out multiple times and I sighed. Right, okay. It sounded really good and I didn't want to ruin it.

Sex and white lies,

Handcuffs and alibis,


Her heart beats red wine,

My toxic valentine.

I thought for a second. I knew exactly who this song was about and next time I see her, I'm going to break her neck. No, honestly. Alex's ex girlfriend was a complete bitch.

"How about, something along the lines of 'She lays the bottle on the pillow as she sleeps'"

He smiled.

"Thanks, Han. You know who this is about then, I'm guessing? She seemed so right and angelic, like nothing co-oh my god! That's it! 'She lays her halo on the pillow as she sleeps!'"

It Never Felt Right Calling This Just Friends. [All Time Low FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now