{Season 2|EP.7}

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{Season 2|EP.7}

The group walked thru the jungle until they reached what seemed to be a hollowed out tree. “Is this is?” Gin asked as Scotch nodded. Wendy knocked on the door. “Miss Venus? We’re friend of Baccarat. We were won-” But before Wendy could finish her sentence they were all pushed inside the hut. The inside was a large circular room with shelves all around the walls. There is also an overhang where the bed is. The shelves are filled with magic potions and ingredients, and there are traditional masks hanging from the walls and a dreamcatcher on top of the door. There is also a cauldron filled with a glowing green liquid in the middle of the room.

“The name’s Venus. You were wonder if I knew where you friend Alice was, yes?” Venus asked. Venus has bright green skin with hot pink and green hair, which is shaved on one side and is swept to the left. She has a tall, slim figure with pale green skin and teal blue eyes. She has multiple teeth protruding from her mouth and has vines entangled around her arms, neck, and ankles. Venus also wears an open short-top denim vest over her black shirt with pink and green floral imprints, pink black-green capris with a black skirt over it, and ankle-length high-heeled shoes with plant-like teeth at the soles.

“How did you know?” Felicity asked. “Well, Felicity, I’m just like you. I can speak to plants, they tell me everything. Just like how you’re searching for your friend Alice.” Venus answered. “Have you seen her lately?” Parviz asked. “She was here, long ago.” Venus began as she, and everyone else gathered around her cauldron. “Take us back from whence we came. To Time and place that are the same. Let past be present. That time regain.” Venus chanted as she stirred the pot. Soon the pot the showed Alice crawling onto shore.

Alice coughed of the last remaining water and laid on the sand, trying to catch her breath. “You...just had...to jump out...in the middle….of the ocean didn’t you Alice!” Alice groaned as she slowly got up, taking off the strips of seaweed. She looked down to see all the cuts and bruises she had. “Great.” Alice sighed as she attempted to wrap the larger wounds in seaweed. She didn’t make it far into the jungle before she dropped to the floor.

“Come...on Alice!” She tried to get up but she immediately falled down to the ground again. “Stupid Diablo!” Alice couldn’t feel her legs. “Oh great, now I’m paralyzed from the waist down!” Alice sighed as she looked up to see Diablo. “Alice, how the bubbly water girl?” Diablo asked slyly. “You can burn in hell!” Alice yelled. “You don’t mean that, you know you love me.” Diablo smiled. “I don’t love you! You know who I love.” Alice growled. “Yeah, I know. But, love can change.” Diablo contradicted.

“One day, I hope somebody shoots you in the head.” Alice glared at him. “No you don’t.” Diablo singsonged. “Yes I do! You frickin paralyzed me!” Alice yelled. “It’s all in good fun.” Diablo patted her cheek slightly. “Good fun my butt!” Alice yelled. “Aww, I thought we had fun back at the mansion? Didn’t we Alice?” Diablo smirked picking up Alice by her face. Alice stuck up her middle finger. “G-go...to hell.” Alice struggled to say. “Just because we’re aren’t on the island doesn't mean you can disrespect me like that!” Diablo clenched her jaw.

“No, but I can still do this! Water Claw!” Alice yelled as her hands engulfed in water and slashed it at Diablo making him let go of her. Alice started running as fast as she could through the island. “You can't run from me Water Girl!” Diablo yelled as Alice ran faster. “This isn't gonna work.” Alice the whistled loudly causing a certain blue Jaquin to dive down. “Come on.” Zoom nodded and flew up. “You won’t hear the last of me Alice!” Diablo yelled as Alice stuck out her tongue at him.

Alice finally thought she was free, until she started hearing gunshots. “Seriously?!” Alice yelled as Zoom tried dodging the bullets but it didn’t work. Alice was shot. Straight thru the back. Zoom looked at the bleeding Alice and dove down quickly, landing down in front of Venus’s hut. “Zoom! What is the matter?!” Venus asked as her eyes landed on Alice. “Who is that?” Venus asked. “Ugh, nevermind that. Get her inside.” Venus ordered as Zoom brought her inside. Venus then grabbed a punch of different potions and put them in her cauldron making it turn yellow.

Venus poured the liquid over the wound causing it to heal. “Where did you find her?” Venus asked. “She called you huh?” Venus asked as Zoom nodded. “And you flew off and they shot her in the air?” Venus asked, Zoom nodded again. Venus only turned her back for a second, when she turned back Alice was being dragged out of the hut by a guy completely dressed in black. “Hey!-” But before she could say anything else, her and Zoom were knocked out cold.

“Well! Where is she?” Gin asked, impatiently. “I don’t know. Maybe the cauldron might know.” Venus answered as she began stirring. “Keeper of what disappears. Hear me now -- open your ears. Find for me what I now seek. By Moon, Sun, Earth, Air, Fire and Sea.” Venus chanted. The cauldron then showed a rocky type island with tons of dragons on it. “That's Dragon Isle! It's the home place of all dragons!” Wendy cheered. “Maybe we can find our dragons!” Zayla smiled. “I have a friend up on Dragons Isle, his name is Azzes. He might have seen the man in black and might know what happened to your dragons.”

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