{Season 1|EP.14}

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{Season 1|EP.14}

“MY SHIP HAS SAILED!! I REPEAT MY SHIP HAS SAILED!!! YAAA!!! WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE! FINALLY AFTER 18 YEARS OF BEING FRIENDS YOU’RE FINALLY DATING!!!” Ginger Ale yelled. “Jeez Ginger, not everyone needs to know. Remember Zack doesn't know we’re dating.” Musa sighed. “Musa, you don’t understand. My sister has this thing called “shipping.” I have no idea how to explain it but she does it a lot.” Whiskey shortly explained. “Shipping is like putting two people you want together into a relationship. For example: I ship Tequila and Musa together because honestly it’s like beauty and the beast, plus you guys have that whole sad backstory vibe.” Ginger Ale started. “What does that mean I’m the beast then?” Tequila asked. “Do I really have to explain that to you?” Ginger Ale sighed. “I also ship Vodka and Wendy cause Vodka is totally crushing over Wendy, but Wendy just can’t see it. Plus, young love is adorable!” Ginger Ale smiled. “I also ship Felicity and Whiskey, Scotch and Zayla. Oh! And Gin and Alice.” Ginger Ale said. A couple of seconds later Zayla heard a popping sound. She turned around to see a blue cat right in front of her. Pupcorn is a small blue cat with a white stomach. He has a rectangular head, with pink ears, big black eyes with small, thin eyebrows, and light blue cheek marks near to his tiny whiskers (two on each side of his face). Pupcorn has a triangular nose that leads to semi-round upper lips on the sides. His body is rectangular too Pupcorn it has a structure that allows him to walk erect, unlike normal cats. “You finally popped!” Zayla smiled bringing Popcorn into a crushing hug


It’s been two weeks since Alice and Scotch left for their mission. Everyone was worried, though she wouldn’t care to admit it, Zayla was worried also. Granted, she made amends with Scotch for the whole: “You killed my sister” screaming/almost killing situation and still hates him, but lately, she’s been worried about him. She wasn’t the only one though, Gin was always worried about Alice. Alice was just a friend to him, a sister, but it’s not like Gin never thought about being with Alice. But what is ice without water? If that’s true, what’s Gin without Alice? Gin started overthinking everything him and Alice been through. Did he like Alice? But the real question is if Alice likes him. Suddenly, the doors slammed opened. Pupcorn came flying in. “Gin! Alice..HEHNrnefqnfnegqhugnrg…” Pupcorn was freaking out. He was flying around in circles like a bird who found prey. “Pupcorn.” Zayla grabbed him and pulled him down, sitting him on one of the tables. “Calm down, and speak normally.” Pupcorn nodded and took a deep breathe in and out. “What happened?” Gin asked. “Alice...she...she…” Pupcorn was shaking, looking at the ground as though he saw a ghost. “Spit it out dammit! What the hell happened to Alice!” Gin yelled shaking him back and forth. “Gin! If you stop shaking him maybe he’ll answer.” Whiskey sighed grabbed Pupcorn. “Now what happened?” Whiskey asked. “Alice! Alice is what happened! I was fishing at the pound by the train station when all of a sudden, this guy tapped on my shoulder.” Pupcorn started. “What did he look like?” Felicity asked. “He has white hair, brown skin, a scar over his left eye, he was wearing a long black trench coat and a black cowboy hair, kinda like Whiskey.” Pupcorn answered. “So what happened next?” Wendy asked. “He told me to give this to Gin. He said if Gin doesn't give them what they want bad things will happen, they're gonna start picking us off one by one until they get what they desire.” Pupcorn’s eyes started watering up as he pulled out a red envelope and handed it to Gin. He opened it and started reading the writing inside

wE Have tHE ONe yOu DesIre. 24 hOURs is aLL yoU wIll receIvE. To GIvE us WhaT we nEed. If not, tHe oNe you deSire WilL blEED.

He looked back inside the envelope to see the water droplet necklace he got her cracked with blood seeping through the crack. “I’m gonna kill whoever did this!!” Gin yelled, slamming his fist on the floor causing it to turn completely into ice. “Pupcorn, where’s Scotch?” Vodka asked and as soon as he said that, the doors busted open once more and in came Scotch. Blood, deep cuts, and bruises all over him. He barely managed to get to the end of the doorway before collapsing. Luckily, Zayla caught him. “Scotch, come on Scotch speak to me.” Zayla voice trembled in fear. “Zay...Zayla?” Scotch asked weakly. “I’m here. What happened to you?” Zayla asked holding back tears. “Me and Alice tried to fight them off...but there was to many of them...I barely ma...made it back here...the….they have Alice...I’m so sorry Gin...I tried everything…” Scotch managed to say. “It’s fine, as long as your safe.” Gin sighed, looking at the necklace. “Why didn’t you call for backup?” Zayla asked, Scotch put his hand on her check. “I knew they were gonna send you. I couldn’t risk them getting you…” Scotch answered. “B-but...I would've been fine...I-I could’ve of helped…” Tears filled Zayla’s eyes as she spoke. “Zayla...listen to me...you...you mean...to muc...much to me...losing you...is like losing...a part o-of history…” Scotch wiped her tears away. “Don't cry, You know I hate seeing you cry.” Scotch smiled weakly, he lifted up his head slightly and softly kissed Zayla. Zayla sobbed even harder. “Your not gonna leave me… You're not gonna to anywhere… you're gonna stay here with me… you can't be gone… don't leave me like this Scotch…” Zayla said between the kiss. “Zayla, look at me… I'm happy… I'm gonna be in heaven with God… he'll make sure nothing happens to you...” Scotch’s eyes closed slowly. He was dead. Zayla held onto his lifeless body, crying, no that's an understatement, she was sobbing. “Scotch!!!” Zayla sobbed. “Dammit you idiot! Come back! I need you! I thought I had you all figured out! Come back! Come back you stupid idiot!!” Zayla yelled. Ginger Ale tried to pull her off Scotch but she shook her head and held onto him even harder.

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