Old Friends

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I was woken up by a loud knocking on my bedroom door.

Jerad: Shane someone’s at the door for you!

It was my brother Jerad. What the fuck? It’s like 2 am in the morning. Who the hell would wanna disturb me at this time? I reluctantly headed to the front door and froze when I saw who was standing in front of me.  He looked frail and beaten down. His eyes were red and his cheeks were swollen. I instantly took him in for an embrace; he was shaking. He mumbled through my shirt. It was almost inaudible since his face was buried on the crook of my neck.

???: I didn’t know where else to go.

Shane: That’s alright, come inside.

I invited him to come sit on our couch. He looked uncomfortable. I didn’t know whether it was because of what must’ve happened to him to get him to look like this, or if it was the fact that he hadn’t been here in years.

Joey was my childhood friend. From what I remember he and I had been friends since we were both three years old. Our parents were friends and he and I would go on play dates together. We spent almost every day together. I had my first gay experience with him. That was how I knew I was gay. Sadly, he didn’t feel the same way. When we got to high school we sorta got separated. He joined the preppy wall flowers while I stood back with the socially awkward kids. It’s been five years since he’s been to my house.

I grabbed him something to drink from my kitchen and wrapped him up with a blanket that was sitting on my couch. I looked at him thoughtfully, I didn’t know whether I should ask or if I should wait until he wants to tell me. It’s always really confusing when it comes to Joey. I decided that I should probably break the tension.

Shane: So uhh... Welcome back!

I chuckled and I saw a small smile planted on his face.

Joey: Yeah, it’s been a while hasn’t it?

I nodded and we continued to sit in silence. I was making loud tapping noises to fill the silence, which made it seem less awkward. And besides it was only my brother and I who were home. My parents are out of town and my other brothers have already moved out. I and my brother barely see it as it is, he sleeps in the basement and I sleep in the attic which I transformed in to my own special room. We were always far from each other. One of us could be getting murdered and the other would be completely clueless. I guess the tapping noises bothered Jerad because he stomped upstairs and glared at me before slamming his door shut.

Shane: Maybe we should go upstairs

Joey: Alright

I guided him with one hand on his back. He could probably walk fine, but I don’t trust his motor skills that much seeing as he looks like a wreck. When we reached the stairs to the attic I took his hand and held it while moving past him to open the door. I sat him down on my bed and I sat beside him.

Shane: So… Do you wanna tell me what happened?

Joey: My dad… you know? He’s been getting really violent lately. My so called “friends” aren’t being much help and I … I missed you. We used to be best friends I don’t really know what happened between us.

Shane: We became different people. You were more social than me obviously.

We shared a short laugh but when it died down we sat in silence once again.

Joey: Wow, I haven’t been in this room since we were- how old was it? Twelve I think?

Shane: Oh you mean when you-

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