What the fuck?

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I woke up in a stranger’s home. I didn’t know where I was but at the same time the place looked familiar. My instinct told me to stay and scope out the place but the one thing I wanted was to go home to Lisa. I passed by an oddly familiar kitchen and exited an oddly familiar house. I found my car parked in front of a driveway and drove off to mine and Lisa’s apartment. So many thoughts were running through my head. How the hell did I get there, what the hell happened to me, who the fucks house was that, why was it so damn familiar? I wanted the answer to all of these questions but I knew I couldn’t do that myself. I needed Lisa, and then maybe she can help me figure this out. I got to our apartment and walked to our door. I stopped by our glass window and saw Lisa playing with corny. How cute. I looked for my keys but I didn’t have them. Weird. I knocked at the door and waited for Lisa to open it instead. When she opened the door, she looked shocked. I tried to go in for a kiss but she pushed me.

Shane: Lisa what’s wrong?

Lisa: Okay what’s going on? Did you and Joey fight again? Aren’t you supposed to be getting your tux fitted today?

Shane: What? What do you mean?

She looked at me, completely confused. I walked past her to go in to our kitchen to get a drink.

Shane: Never mind that. Hey I woke up at some weird house today, do you know what happened to me? There was no one there and I was in this bed and it was just all weird and I’m just trying to figure out what happened.

Lisa: Shane, What’s the matter with you? Are you okay?

Shane: You tell me, I mean first I wake up in some random house and now my own girlfriend won’t even kiss me and-

Lisa: Wait what do you mean girlfriend?

Shane: Yes Lisa, that’s kinda what happens when two people like each other.

Lisa: No Shane seriously, are you okay?

Shane: Why do you keep asking that? Of course I’m fine, you’re the one making things weird.

Lisa: No- Shane … we’re not dating anymore. You broke up with me to be with Joey two years ago remember?

What the fuck is going on? I stared at her… is she messing with me or is this really happening?

Shane: No that can’t be true; we were just together yesterday-

Wait … Why can’t I remember the last time Lisa and I were together? I tried hard to think about my last memory of us but all I could think about was a loud room and a lot of crying. I needed to sit down.

Lisa: Shane … What’s happening to you?

Shane: I-I don’t know … I don’t remember anything and … I don’t even remember liking Joey, at least not in that way …

Lisa: You’ve been with him for the past two years… The love between you both surpasses any kind of love I’ve seen between two people, I guess that’s why we never worked out.

Shane: So wait… we broke up because of Joey?

Lisa: You really don’t remember anything do you? Listen, as much as I’d love to help you with your whole situation I can’t. I’m not a big part of your life anymore. At least not the way I used to be. So if I were you I’d go find Joey and have him help you out with this whole mess.

Shane: Okay… but I don’t even know where to find Joey.

Lisa: Maybe go back to your house and-

Shane: Wait, you mean the house I woke up in was our house?

Lisa: Well I’m pretty sure of that. You guys got the house when you got engaged-

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