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Joey: No! I don’t wanna do this Tyler!

Tyler: C’mon Joey, how will you know for sure? You need to experiment in some way right? Trust me, I’m your best friend and I’m doing this for your own good.

Joey: I said no! I don’t need to go to some strip club to secure my sexuality I’m fine with just how I am!

Tyler: You’ll like it! I go here all the time so I’ll make sure to set you up with the best.  I’ve never actually been with him but my usual says that he’s the most popular guy. C’mon it’s my treat.

Joey: ughh Tyler!

Tyler grabbed my hands and pulled me in to his car. Great, now we’re heading off to some sleazy strip club.  If he wasn’t my best friend I would totally just ignore his invitation, but sadly since we’ve known each other for practically our entire lives, I have to do what he says. He’s pushy like that but I know he means well. Last month I confessed to him that I was gay and of course being the know it all that he is, he just shrugged it off and said “I know” like I was just telling him the weather. I was kind of disappointed, I was hoping for one of those touchy feely moments that people have in the movies but I guess I have to deal with what I get. On the other hand I was kind of glad that he accepted me that quickly, well, he was gay too after all. Weirdly enough there was never any chemistry between us. Our love for each other only went as far as brotherhood but that was it. I was so deep in thought that I didn’t even realize that we already arrived at the strip club. Just as I thought it was extremely shady, it was behind some old buildings and there was a gigantic bald guy standing at the front of a small door. No one would’ve ever guessed that there was a strip club there. I groaned at Tyler one last time before getting out of the car.

Tyler: Shut the fuck up, you’ll thank me later.

Joey: Tyler I can’t do this! I’m scared!

Tyler: Scared of what? Dick? Stop being a little bitch; you’ll like it I promise!

I whined and tried to pull Tyler back to the car but he forced me to come with him. The bouncer greeted him. Of course Tyler would be familiar with the bouncer. He opened the small door and music immediately blasted our ears. There were strobe lights in different colours and smoke filled the room. We walked down a hallway, passing at least five pairs of people making out. One of them was practically having sex, I didn’t think you could do that with strippers but I guess I’m wrong. One of the guys had a name tag on for some reason; “Dan”. The other guy was swallowing his face practically, he had short black hair that swooped to the side, and actually both of them had that. We reached the room where all the music was coming from. Right as we entered there were men in speedos dancing on the stage and others who were giving lap dances. There was also a room where some guy was being taken to, and when they opened the room I saw a bed and I’m pretty sure they’re gonna have sex. Tyler and I found a booth to sit in and straightaway a stripper came up to us. He was small and kind of lanky, but still pretty hot. He had a small quiff and sparkly blue eyes. He smiled at Tyler.

Tyler: Hey Troye.

Troye: Hey Tilly. The usual?

Tyler: Damn right!

Tyler is on a nickname basis with a stripper. Typical.

Tyler: And my friend over here will have that guy.

He pointed to a guy sitting down at the bar. He was shirtless and had the same type of hair as Troye but his was a bit shorter. I couldn’t really see him that well because of all the fog. Troye ran over to him and whispered something in his ear then pointed to our direction. Then they both started walking our way.

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