Miyamura (horimiya) pt.3

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Type: normal

Warning ⚠️: none
( last part I swear😂)

Miyamura whimpered slightly and started to......

Third POV

Miyamura whimpered slightly and started to grind against Y/n biting his lip trying to hold back his moans.
Y/n grunted and turned to lay down on his back.
Miyamura, -who's mind was clouded with lust- silently crawled on top on of Y/n and sat on his crotch started to grind against him again but going a little faster.
He felt Y/n harden underneath him.
Miyamura let out a small moan wanting to take their clothes off but know that might wake Y/n up so he just stuck with dry humping.

After some time he felt the knot that has been in his stomach for a while finally snap and  moaned loudly falling on Y/n chest.


I felt wetness on my crotch area and weight on my chest.
Cracking my eyes open I see a red faced Miyamura out of breath.
"Miyamura?" As soon as I said something his head shot up off my chest looking at me before sitting up all the way still on me.
Looking down I instantly knew what that wetness was.
"I-I can explain!!" I looked back up at his face then sat up causing him to wrap his arms around my neck to stop from falling.
I slid my hands up and down his sides and hesitantly peck his lips. When He didn't push me away I kissed him deeply.

I leave the rest to your imagination~

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