Killua (Hunter x Hunter)

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Type: modern AU

Warning ⚠️: Fluff

(Killua and reader are 16 because 12 is a bit much but if u want one when they are 12 then Idk...comment?)

Third POV

Y/n sat in the corner of the classroom sulking muttering how his love was taken away.
If you wondering why this happened in the first place well you see, Y/n has been ignored by his boyfriend all week and watch HIS boyfriend hang out with his friend gon instead.

At first he let it slide but then when he asked out Killua-his boyfriend- to the movie he declined saying 'gon and I had plans already'

Every since then Y/n been feeling like the third wheeler walking behind them.

So it wasn't a surprise when the two came in together. When the two were done talking Killua made his way to Y/n and hugged him from behind wrapping his arms around Y/n stomach.
Deciding to get revenge, he ignored Killua standing up making Killua let go of him and walked to his desk.
His lover followed him since they sat besides each other looking at him weirdly "what's wrong with you?" The H/c male looked at him then looked back at the board.

Now he eyed his boyfriend suspiciously. Y/n always said something to him when he saw him. He shrugged it off and looked up front.

~~~~~Time Skip brought to you by one hell of a writer~~~~~~~~
After school

Y/n and Killua was walking to Y/n house. Well more like Killua just followed him since he still hadn't said a word to him.
"Hey Y/n wanna go to the arcade! I heard that their was a new game!"

No answer

"Or we could get f/c (favorite ice cream) today"


"I'll take that movie date now"

"Tch." That's all he got as Y/n unlocked his house door muttering a 'I'm home' leaving the open for Killua to come in.

Killua did the same as him and closed the door locking it.

They made their up to Y/n room since his parents wasn't home.
He sat at his desk while the sliver head sat on his bed.
There was an awkward silence.
"Okay what I do?" Killua asked. He heard Y/n  huff and turned to face his boyfriend still not saying anything.
Killua put on a sly smirk and made his way over to Where Y/n was sitting on his lap.
He grabbed the said males arms and lead them to his waist making Y/n wrap his arms around him.
Then he wrapped his arms around his lovers neck pulling him close and pecked his lips.
"You ignored me all week to spend time with gon then turned me down to go with him. I'm starting to think you prefer him than me." Y/n finally said looking away with a pout.
"Ohhhh~~ you were jealous~~"

"I have the right to be jealous. I'm your boyfriend."

Killua put on his cat like face (ya know the face he make when we going to do mischief)

"Well I would say that we could go out later but Gon beat you to it"

Y/n pulled away from him trying to unwrap his arms around him but Killua stopped him and kissed him. Y/n slowly kissed back then pulled away

"I'm kidding~ I love you my jealous boyfriend~"

"I love you too baby"


Peace out!!!!!!!

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