- pizza delivery

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yo whaddup, this is original and i'm very proud of the idea.


your job at the moment was a pizza deliverer for pizza hut. you really only worked there because some of your friends did so you applied too.

it wasn't the worst job in the world, you got to drive around los angels and listen to your music. but there were times when you absolutely hated it.

sometimes you would have to deliver to sketchy areas, and you always kept pepper spray at hand. you had heard countless stories of pizza deliverers getting jumped.

tonight wasn't one of those nights. so far you had delivered to two different houses and it was already nine at night.

"y/n you have a delivery ready!" you heard your coworker, sammy, from the back. you made your way to where the pizzas sat, grabbing a bag and placing the medium pineapple pizza into the bag.

"alright, i'm heading out. did you send me the directions?" sammy looked at the monitor, nodding his head and waving you off.

you put the pizza safely in the passenger seat, routing the directions of the persons residence through your car.

once ready you began your journey. the neighborhood you ended up in was pretty nice. it had bigger than average sized homes, but many seemed vacant. maybe this was a new section.

you made it to the address, one of the only few houses with lights on and a car out front. you parked and got your pizza. you left the pepper spray in the car, you probably wouldn't need it.

you made your way up to the door and passed a giant white jeep. the door of the house was bigger than it looked from farther away, and you lifted your knuckle to knock three times.

you waited a minute and nothing was happening. no noise, no movement, no light. you set the pizza down and cupped your hands to look inside a fogged window that surrounded the door.

right then, the sound of the door unlocking made you move away. you immediately stepped back and pick up the pizza. the door cracked open slightly, half of a mans body poking out.

he stared at you for a few seconds before sighing and shutting the door again. he didn't fully open the door, but only to where his body blocked the entrance.

you couldn't see him all to well in the dark, but you could tell he was muscular and quite handsome. you reached the pizza out with your arms, signaling for him to take it.

"i didn't order a pizza." his voice sounded raspy and drained, mixed with a hint of rudeness.

i gulped. "w-well it said your address, this is holden?" suddenly you became very nervous. what if someone prank called and ordered a pizza to make this person mad.

"oh, yeah. i'll... be right back." he hesitated before closing the door quickly. you jumped back and your heart began racing. you thought that maybe you should go back and get your mace mace. you stood in fear for seconds, but then your curiosity took over.

this man was acting so strange. his house was dark, he didn't remember ordering, and he was blocking the entrance so you couldn't see anything. you noticed he didn't lock the door back when he left, and your intentions were only to see if you could trust this man.

your shaky hand grabbed onto the doorknob, and you slowly turned it, trying not to make a sound. the door unlatched, and you barely pressed on it. it opened up to reveal a hallway, it was so dark you couldn't see anything.

the house was so quiet, you could hear a pen drop. where did he go? you stepped inside so cautiously, not making a sound. you looked to the right of you and found a panel of light switches.

this was so risky, what were you doing? your fingers reached for the second one, this must be the hallway light. the first one is probably for outside. right before you flipped the switch, you let out a shaky breath.

when you did flip it, your heart dropped to the floor. you stopped breathing and the color drained from your face. your eyes grew twice in size as you looked at the sight in front of you.

there was a man and a woman's body laying right beside each other. there seemed to be a gunshot wound right in the mans head, with blood surrounding. the woman sat up against the wall, with a knife right in her heart.

you couldn't scream, you couldn't move. but you eventually brought your hands to your jaw dropped mouth and your eyes filled with tears. you began stumbling backwards, dropping the pizza on the floor. you stopped when your back hit someone's hard chest. you froze, afraid whoever it was would kill you next.

"you shouldn't have opened the door, sweetheart." your face scrunched up while you quietly sobbed. "ethan doesn't like curious girls."

and then you felt a hand covering your mouth.

you should have brought your mace.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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