Chapter 10

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"Hello, Ginny," said a voice from behind me. I whirled around and was met by the last face I wanted to see: Tom Riddle.

"What are you doing here?" I asked coldly.

"You cannot win, Ginevra. By the end of the war, you will be so weak that you won't—"

"Stop it!"

"And at least one person in your family won't make it." With that, Riddle disappeared.

I woke up in a cold sweat. Riddle's words rang in my head. I only got up to let an owl into my dormitory though the window.


It's Fred and George. You can know it's us because Fred has finalized in the Exploding Snap tournament since 1990. You also need to find better times to send letters. We were having drinks with Mum and Dad when we opened your letter. It took us ten minutes to convince Mum that the blood-covered letter wasn't from you. 

You gave us a right good scare. Fred spilled his butterbeer everywhere. Ginny, be careful. You won't last much longer with that happening every day. We would love it if all of us were alive at the end of the war. If things are getting worse, we have to tell Mum. She probably already suspects something is wrong at Hogwarts. We don't know how long we can keep Ickle Ginnykins's little secret fwom her.

Gred and Forge

Fred and George almost made it an entire letter without cracking one joke. That scared me. It was about 6:30, so I figured that at least one of the seventh years would be awake.

"Knock knock!" I called.

"Who is it?" Lavender asked.


"Come in."

The seventh year girls' dormitory was, if possible, messier than mine. Lavender and Parvati were both awake. I wished that Hermione was there.

"What's up, Ginny?" Parvati asked.

"Oh, nothing much, just wanted someone to talk to, you know?"


"Oh, that's alright."

"Ginny?" Lavender interrupted. "You feeling alright?"

I sighed and plopped down on the floor. "It's just...the Carrows...there's been so much going on lately and I just..."

"Oh, yeah. You can talk to us any time. There aren't many sixth year girls this year, are there?" said Parvati.

"Thanks," I sighed. "I'm usually not very homesick, but I feel like, right now, we all need family, and I can't think of anyone better than you."

"What have you done to Ginny, imposter?" asked Lavender, whipping her wand out jokingly. That cracked us all up. I'm sure we woke up the third years in the dormitory next to us. We all went down to the Great Hall together, and we were met by yet another nasty surprise.

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