Chapter 8

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I stood beside the window, staring out at the city.

After Miranda and Kaz departed to blow money on booze, Wais suggested we get the hell out of the subzero desert. I agreed eagerly, and a few hours later, here we were, protected by the safe confines of a hotel room.

A barrage of neon lights flashed in every direction, blocking out the midnight hour's darkness. Even after adjusting to the liveliness of the city, I still marveled at the sheer amount of flashing, blazing, and lurid lights that came in an array of different colors.

The difference between it and my home city was uncannily striking.

My home city held a lurking sense of tension behind every corner and in every dark alley. Everyone's faces were grim and tense, and the people seemed devoid of life. The bustling noises of blaring car horns and mindless chatter from New York was replaced with excited conversation, cheering, and golden lights that rivaled the gleam in every man and woman's eye.

In other words, Las Vegas was extremely upbeat and pulsing with energy.

Wais said, "A lot different from New York, isn't it?"

I nodded, shifting my gaze to the window. "Yes. It is," I murmured, enamored with the enthusiastic activity. The thought of wandering the city-exploring the buildings and basking in its vibrant lights-had my fingers twitching, aching to dart for the door, but I forced myself still, scolding my childish desire to explore.

He chuckled. "Don't worry, Henry," he said, detecting my restlessness. "You'll be able to see all that Vegas has to offer soon enough."

I stepped away from the window and drew the gray curtains shut. They fluttered from the movement, swaying.

I spun around to face Wais, who lounged on the bed, and said, "So, tell me what I need to do for you to help me find Rebecca's killers."

He grunted and pulled himself up, rubbing his eyes. "Look, it's better if you don't know too much. All you need to know is that our target is the hotel called The Elemental and you need to gain access to its private vault."

I scoffed. "Right. Because I need to know nothing else to do this. Especially since I have no experience whatsoever in being a 'for-hire mercenary'."

"No need for sarcasm," Wais said, resting his head on the fluffed pillow and sighing. "Zoe will help you during the job and Parker will be there too. You won't be alone."

Right, I completely forgot about the two members I hadn't met yet. As if they'd help me.

You seriously need some sleep, man. You're acting like a cranky old woman.

"Stop going in my head," I snapped.

See what I mean? said Wais in my mind. Sensing a retort on the tip of my tongue, or mind, he hastily changed the subject, shooting up onto his feet. You can sleep here tonight, he said, opting for an escape.

In the bed you just messed up?

Wais glanced at the rumpled covers of the bed and the flattened pillows. He snatched up a pillow, patted it, and precariously placed it back on the bed, satisfied. There. All better.

I sighed loudly and slumped my shoulders. "I, apparently, have a big day tomorrow. You mind letting me sleep now?"

He vacated my mind and nodded. "Yeah, alright." He strolled to the door and hurled it open, throwing me one last look. "Oh, and, uh... Never mind." Wais grinned. "You'll see tomorrow."

"See what tomorrow?" I called after him.

The door slammed shut, jolting me.

Before I could protest, the full weight of the past day crashed into me and I fought to keep my eyes open. I drifted towards the bed and crashed into it, exhaustion pulling me deeper into the abyss.

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