Chapter 26

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I roused, shifting on a plush mattress. And then I stopped.

Where was I?

Before chancing a glance, I deduced what I could about where I was.

A cool metal item relaxed on my wrist, restraining me: I was in police custody.

An unceasing, shrill beeping pierced my ears, and the scent of rubbing alcohol inundated my nose: I was in the hospital.

Right. Hospital. I was injured.

I took stock of my wounds. My brain pounded against my skull, my legs ached, a shooting pain shot up my arms, and my torso cried out at the slightest movement. Although a dull pain settled in my bones, I suspected the wounds were superficial. Nothing that wouldn't heal with time.

I didn't hear any rustling of clothing or the shifting of feet so, assuming I was alone, I forced my eyes open.

White lights blinded me and I stifled a groan, pain stabbing the back of my eyes. I blinked rapidly, adjusting my vision to absorb my surroundings; I was laying on a worn hospital bed, dressed in a degradingly thin hospital gown and enclosed in a gaudy blanket. Wires attached to my body connected to machines that dutifully and meticulously reported my body's condition.

As suspected, a handcuff looped around my wrist, securing my left arm to the metal bar of a hospital bed, and I was alone in a starch-white hospital room with machines as my only company. No windows permitted a look outside.

I reclined my head on a mountain of pillows. I tried willing fire to my palm, but it was like reaching for something that was always tucked in your pocket, only to find it missing. At first, frantic panic set in and my breathing quickened; it finally dawned on me that I was really here, in police custody.

Meaning Rebecca...

The indeterminable machines beeped rapidly. Before someone could burst in and asses the problem, see I was awake, I squeezed my eyes shut. Forcing my emotions down into the pit of my stomach, I swallowed.

My abilities were gone. Someone with ability cancellation must've been nearby.

I tugged on the handcuff; It clinked and slid against the metal bar, laughing at me.

I jerked it.

Again, the strident sound of metal scraping metal mocked me.

Rebecca... Did everyone get Hui? And the bodies?

I knew the answer. Probably not.

But, seeing as I was shackled here with no way to affirm that thought, I allowed myself to hope for the best. I allowed myself to believe they had.

My eyes fluttered shut and behind them, I saw Hui tentatively touching the foreheads of our loved ones, uttering her string of indecipherable Chinese words. I saw everyone gasping as the bodies wrenched to life and took deep, shuddering breaths.

I saw Parker reuniting with his family he cherished so dearly: I saw Wais and a usually apathetic Miranda embracing their parents, who died a gruesome death before their very eyes: I saw Kaz allowing his barrier of sarcasm to melt and sob like a baby when his maid that nurtured him came back.

The thought brought a grin to my cracked lips. Kaz sobbing like a baby? I'd kill to see that.

I saw Zoe last. I saw her squeezing her kid brother, ruffling his hair and clutching him.

I wasn't sure why, but the idea spread warmth in my frigid body.

Maybe because both of us lost a brother. I couldn't bring back Garret because he was buried years ago. His body lied in his grave, unpreserved and unviable for resurrection. He'd have to remain in the cold, dark, damp ground forever...

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