Chapter 35

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Come on, Henry, Wais snapped in my mind, jolting me out of my sleep. When I said act like today would be a normal day so Proditio wouldn't suspect anything, I didn't mean you could sleep in.

I yawned and stretched my arms, groaning and blinking sleep away. My dark curtains hindered sunlight from entry, so quiet blackness enveloped my room. Sorry, I said, straightening in bed and raking back my hair. You heading out with Miranda and Kaz now?

I imagined Wais nodding as he spoke. Yeah. We're leaving to get the bodies and bring them over. He snorted. It's crazy how Proditio hasn't taken them back yet. There's no doubt she knows where they are.

I stood and groaned, leaning against a wall for support. About that... I was thinking-

Sorry to cut you short Henry, but we have to go, basically right now. Irritation would've pervaded my blood, but exhaustion won out. So I listened as Wais explained, for the millionth time, our job. You, Parker, and Zoe go break Hui out of police custody. Since she's flipped on Proditio and can officially indite her, she's going to be guarded heavily. Cal already gave you her location from his future-seeing ability, so just have Parker disable the guards outside, you and Zoe sneak in and take her. We'll meet you here in New York, where you'll be laying low after taking Hui in three days. Got it? Three. Days.

While he spoke, I scrolled through TV channels, wincing at the bright colors assaulting my eyes. Got it. Three. Days.

Don't be a smartass, Wais scolded. Bossman out.

I slunk back into my bed and snatched a pillow, wrapping my arms around it. In three days, when everyone arrived with the bodies, we'd have Hui ready to go. In three days, I'd see Rebecca again.

I should've been excited, but I buried my face further in the pillow. Would she even want to see me, the person I'd become?


"Seriously, Henry? Asleep again?"

Hands curled around my shoulders and shook me violently. "Stop, I'm awake!" I cried, gasping and wrenching away, panting. I still clutched the pillow like it'd ward Zoe off. "Wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Jeez," I said, combing my hair and calming my pounding heart.

Zoe scowled and ripped the curtains open. Sunlight bathed the room, and the memory of first meeting Zoe outside a hotel room surged in my mind. Sunlight caught in her hair, gray eyes fuming, annoyance searing her voice, and her scowl deepened. "Get dressed. We're driving out to the penthouse where Hui's being held."

I blinked. "It's been two days?"

She faltered. Then sashayed over to me and grabbed me by the chin, craning it. Locking eyes, she asked, "Are you shitfaced?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'll have you know I'm two months sober."

Still holding my head in her hands, inspecting me, she mumbled, "Yeah, and I'm actually brunette." The accusation dancing in her intonation stabbed me like a knife.

"Ask Parker," I said.

She released me, and where her hands warmed my face, icy coldness crept in. I massaged my cheeks, injecting warmth back into them, squelching the rearing thought of asking Zoe to come back.

So I clamped my mouth shut as Zoe gifted me a spare set of clothes and demanded I shower, because she wouldn't share a car with a bum. I was inclined to agree.

Showers were my only moments to myself.

The water searing my skin carried my thoughts down in the drain, leaving my emotions torturing my body. Screams of the people I'd slaughtered echoed in the hotel bathroom; Rebecca's laughter banished the ululating; her laughter faded, replaced by her dismayed cries upon discovering my sins. And then, Zoe. The only time my heart didn't pump numb pain in my body was when I was with her, when she could get me to crack a smile or laugh.

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