Chapter 11

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Getting the vault's whereabouts had left me with a raging hangover the next day, but it was finally done. My mind was finally at ease.

The stultifying effect of fulfilling my goal had long set in. Now, I had nothing to do but wait until the initiation scheduled to take place in a few hours. I'd been waiting ever since that stupid party where I mingled with the brass a few days ago, but my patience was growing thin.

At first, I was elated to have finally completed my task. Wringing the location had taken tedious, insipid hours of gently asking unsuspecting questions and supplying the top guys of Mr. Cal's cult with enough alcohol to slacken their sense of mind. I managed to eventually find out how to reach the safe, but the euphoria of that night passed and as minutes, hours, days had passed by, anticipation creeped in, then restlessness, then unease.

What if the brass remembered my questions? What if they suspected me? What if they told Mr. Cal about my prying, and I was not in fact attending an initiation, but my own execution for disloyalty?

Each passing second had me doubting myself.

I paced the length of my hotel room, flopping onto the bed covers unceremoniously. After a minute or two, I shot up onto my feet and quickly smoothed the crumpled covers, then proceeded to pace again. I groaned, raking back my hair. Just when was this going to happen?

Antsy, I headed to the bathroom to splash cool water on my face when a gentle tap on the door caught my attention. It was almost time for the initiation. Maybe someone was sent to fetch me before it began?

I hoped so. Any longer and my restiveness would've driven me mad.

As I approached the door and peeked through the peephole, I wondered what was going to come next. Parker said I needed to find the safe before the initiation, and today was the official day.

My eyes settled on Mr. Cal, dressed in abnormally plain suit; it lacked the cuff links, tie, and material that marked most high-end suits as exactly that- high-end.

It looked like it was from a bargain bin.

Curious, I opened the door and as soon as I did, he shoved his way inside and bolted the door shut hastily. I jumped back, startled, and Mr. Cal said, "Did you get it?"

I blinked, stupefied.

"Get... what?"

"You stupid? The vault, idiot."

My heart raced. "W-what are you talking about?" I asked, unable to hide my stutter.

I knew it. I knew he'd find out. Is he going to try to kill me? 

No. I wouldn't let that happen.

The two of us stared at each other, frozen in the moment, until Mr. Cal burst out laughing. "You... Wais really didn't tell you?" He guffawed and hugged his sides, wheezing for air. "I thought he was kidding. Man, the look on your face was priceless!"

Wait... He sounded familiar...

"Damn, never thought I'd see the day a pretty rich boy like you would have that kinda look." Letting out a few straggling chuckles, he wiped away a tear and sighed, still smiling broadly.

At this point, I definitely knew he wasn't Mr. Cal.

And after mentioning Wais, I knew exactly who this fraud was.

I scowled, lifting a hand to conceal the embarrassment creeping up my face. How the hell was I supposed to know what Kaz's ability was, and that he was planning to show up resembling Mr. Cal?

Lips still quirked in a smile, Kaz said, "For real though, did you get it?"

I consciously rubbed my elbows and said, "Yes and no."

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