Author's Note

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Thank you all, so, so much for reading Pyro.

Seriously. I've said it a lot, but I sincerely mean it. Without all of your support, your votes that put a smile on my face and your comments telling me how much you enjoyed the story, I never would've finished. Knowing there were people looking forward to a new chapter was what ultimately allowed me to finish my first novel- this one right here. So, thank you.

As for something I'm sure you're curious about, the possibility of a sequel.

I've grown so attached to these characters, so attached to looking forward to your reactions, to writing this story, that it's definitely something I've thought extensively about. I've mentioned writing a loose sequel-Umbra, taking place from Quinn's perspective-but I'm not sure. I'm veering in all directions. Lately I've been thinking to write another one from Henry's perspective, but again, I'm not quite sure.

I know that sequels don't do as well on Wattpad, and that some readers don't necessarily go over to read it.

In any case, if I do write a sequel, it'll be a while. As you all know, life is crazy haha.

I'll let you all know what I decide, though! Whether or not it's on here or my profile, I'll keep you all updated, so be sure to follow me if you're wanting updates! Shameless plug ;) It also lets me know if you want a sequel!

Be sure to let me know what you all think about (possibly) continuing! 

Ah, well... That's all. It makes me sad to say that. You all have made writing on Wattpad a wonderful experience. I love writing, and when I discovered this site, I thought, Hey, why not?

I never thought anyone would read my work, let alone enjoy it. I guess I need to work on my self confidence a bit :)

14 months later, here we are. That's a long time, so thank you for sticking with me, and this story, for that long. You've all been incredibly patient with me, and so, thank you all again. You've brought this story to 5,000 views (5,000?! I can't believe it!) and you've made me so happy. I can't even word it. Ironic, haha.

I hope you've enjoyed reading Pyro. Thanks again for all your support.


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