Chapter 13

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My heart was pounding. My palms were sweaty. Every day we were on the road was another day my anxiousness and anticipation were through the roof.

The thought of getting closer and closer to John Belrook set my teeth on edge.

"Calm down, will ya?" Kaz snapped from the passenger seat, twisting his head around to bark at me. If he was ill-tempered before, the events at the hotel magnified it. Something told me he just didn't appreciate me seeing his weakness.

Parker explained it a few days ago, when Wais and Miranda had driven to Jersey ahead of us: Kaz's ability-copying people and their powers-drained him of energy. He'd expended all of his energy during the job, and, according to Parker, Kaz loathed reaching that point of exhaustion. Apparently that was because it reminded him of Sleeping Beauty; the prospect of 'sleeping' and never waking up scared him like the dark scared a two year old.

"If you don't like it you could've ridden with Wais and Miranda," I retorted. Still, I attempted to assuage my restiveness. It probably was annoying to the others.

Zoe, sitting beside me in the backseat, chuckled. "Wais and Miranda always go ahead to scope out the area before we arrive." The obvious irritation in her tone suggested that didn't please her.

"We're just the cavalry," Parker added helpfully.

Them? Cavalry?

Each of them struck me as someone who wouldn't be reduced to a 'lackey' at someone's beck and call. The relationship between Wais and them didn't seem to be one of overling-underling status, though.

Besides, what kind of underlings got a car like this?

We were driving across the country in a sleek, black SUV that happened to be spacious enough to house Parker, who was hunched over the steering wheel, eyes pinned on the road. Any car that could manage that feat was definitely impressive in my book.

Zoe suddenly tilted her head towards me; her hair spilled over her shoulder, but she made no move to put it back in place. Instead, she addressed me, arms folded in her lap and gray eyes sharp and alert. "Henry, mind answering a question for me?" I fought to keep shock openly scrawled on my face. She used my real name. Not a nick name.

That was a first.

I noticed Parker and Kaz fell silent. "Sure?"

"What's this whole thing about?"

I frowned.

"This little road trip to Jersey," she clarified.

Oh. "You guys don't know?" I asked, raising my voice so the guys in the front could hear me.

"We have... some idea. Only bits and pieces," said Parker.

"What do you know?" I asked.

Kaz huffed loudly, adjusting his position in the seat. "That you're a bitch."

Still pissed, huh? "A bitch with money. That's one better than you."

Kaz kept his head straight, but his rancorous scowl was visible in the rear view mirror. "You callin' me a bitch?"

"Both of you are bitches," Zoe interjected. "Now can you two please shut up?"

"Not my fault the guy's so easy to insult." Kaz shrugged, feigning innocence.

"'Least I didn't pass out in the middle of a job, Sleeping Beauty," I riposted, a smile creeping on my face.

That was what set him off.

Kaz howled, "Which one of you told him?" Parker chortled, unable to contain himself. The laugh reverberated against the windows and Kaz's scowl deepened. "So it was you, huh?"

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