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"Mom, I'm sorry" The boy said, before his left foot left the ground

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"Mom, I'm sorry" The boy said, before his left foot left the ground.


The said boy stopped, but didn't look back at who had called him. He knew that voice to well, to damn well. Tears started to brim his eyes as he looked down. He was on the very edge of just giving up life. He heard sirens, and words. Non stop words.

So many of them at once, and he couldn't get control, because he's given up. He's given up hope, happiness, and love.

There was nothing left for him.

"JENO! DONT DO IT! JUST LOOK AT ME!" Jaemin continuously yelled, but the said boy did nothing but look down as silent tears came rushing down.

The lump in the boys throat was to much, and it hurt. He wanted to cry out, and scream. He wanted someone to hold him and tell him it was okay. He stared down at the road below, filled with no cars, no people, it was emptiness below.

"Jeno! Please! Just turn around! You don't have to do this!" Jaemin became softer with his voice, as he was shedding tears too.

"It's the only way." He said in a hoarse whisper.

"No no it's not! You don't have to do this! You can be with me! You don't have to be alone anymore Jeno! Just grab onto my hand." Jaemin said as he slowly got closer and held his hand out.

Jeno didn't even try to look back. He kept looking at the ground. Wondering what it would feel like to feel nothing at all. Wondering when he would jump.

The clocks ticking.

Time is running out.

For all Jeno knew, he wouldn't make it. He wouldn't live to see another day, he wouldn't wake up to see another sun rise. He wouldn't live to shed another tear. He wouldn't live to see Jaemins smile again.

Jeno finally looked back, and saw Jaemin. Teary eyes and a hurt face. Guilt was written all over it. His heart hurt at the sight, his heart felt weak. He felt weak. So frail and broken.

"I don't have anyone Jaemin, don't you understand?" He quietly said, as the rain washed his words away. "I don't have a family, I don't have friends, and I don't even have a home. I don't have people that accept me. Nobody wants me. Nobody needs me-"

"I need you! Jeno I always have! You've always been there for me, and i was such a dumbass that I didn't see. I was so caught up in my own life that I didn't realize you were hurting! And I'm so sorry Jeno! But please, don't jump! You don't deserved any of this, just take my hand Jeno!" The rain came even harder and poured down on them. Jeno and Jaemin were soaked to the core. With guilt and hurt.

"I'm scared." Jeno said in barely a whisper, and looked down at the ground below him. Tears streaming his face as rain washed them away.

"No no Jeno! Just look at me! Don't look down there! I'm right here!" Jaemin desperately yelled, words full of shaking because he was scared as well. He was shaking uncontrollably.

Jeno looked right at him, as they met eye contact they both shared brokenness, sorrow and sadness. But what they shared the most was love. So much love that both there hearts hurt just looking at each other. Jenos breaths got short, and Jaemin noticed. Jaemin got closer, step by step.

"R-remember that time we were at the cafe after school? When I said I ate cake on a daily bases, and you laughed at me because I didn't have any muscles?" Jeno looked at me, full of remembrance, and regret.

"You laughed at me that whole time. You were happy right?" Jaemin sadly smiled at Jeno. Jeno put both hands on his mouth and started breaking down as he remembered.

"Jeno, ever since I saw you- I- I knew I was going to hurt. I knew that you were the one I would have to fight for. And I was ready, I was so ready to fight for you. Every time that you cried- laughed- and smiled- I wanted to protect you and fight for your happiness. I wanted you to be happy, I wanted you to be mine." Jeno stopped at the last sentence and looked at Jaemin, a look that Jaemin couldn't explain.

"Jeno, I'm going to be 100 percent honest right now!" He yelled, and looked Jeno straight in the eyes. He was finally close enough that he touched Jenos hand and slowly took it off Jenos mouth, to intertwine their hands. And Jaemin finally said it, the words that made the world stop for Jeno for a pure second.

"I love you Lee Jeno."

Jeno finally broke into a hundred different places in his heart and threw himself at Jaemin. They both fell backwards as Jaemin held onto Jeno as if his life depended on it. He developed Jeno in such a loving, caring hug. That both there hearts touched, both of them felt each other heal with each other's presence. Jaemin looked down at Jeno who was buried in the crook of his neck, crying. Jaemin looked up to the skies, and mouthed a "Thank You." Jaemin hugged him as Jeno was sitting in the middle of his legs, Jaemin strongly pulled both of them up by putting his arm around Jenos tiny waist. Jeno felt like a doll, fragile and thin. It was still raining, but it got lighter. Jeno looked up at Jaemin, and realized Jaemin was looking right back at him. Jeno didn't know what took over, but he wrapped both his arms around Jaemin neck,

And kissed him.

Jaemin was surprised at first, but slowly melted into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around Jenos waist. He wished for this moment his entire life. They parted lips, and stared at each other, until Jeno said something to break the silence.

"I love you too Na Jaemin."

They developed in another hug, but this time the rain was long gone, and the
  sun shown through the clouds and beamed right on them. "It felt unreal, this felt unreal. Right here with Jeno." Jaemin thought.

Jaemin looked at Jeno, and put both his hands on his cheeks, wiping away tears. They were both soaked, and would probably catch a cold, but Jaemin didn't care. He had Jeno.


"Yes Jaemin?" He said smiling.

"Let's go home."

"But we don't have one...." Jeno said.

"Well then, let's go buy one."

Jeno and Jaemin laughed.

And felt complete with each other alas.

And finally.

Both were happy.



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