Chapter 11: Rachel

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(Minho's POV)

"Oh come on guys! Who's in?" I say to all of them, I hear Y/N sigh, "I'm probably gonna regret this. But I'm in." She says, I give her a pat on the back before looking to everyone else. "Alright fine, I'm in." Thomas says, and soon enough everyone agrees with playing.

"Okay...Brenda! Truth or dare?" I ask her, she thinks for a moment before going with dare. "I dare you to kiss whoever you like, right now." I dare her, she sighs before cupping Thomas' face and smashes her lips onto his. Y/N claps. 

"Minho! Truth or dare?" Brenda asks, "dare!" I yell out excited. "I dare strip." She says, I can feel my face go red for a moment before taking off my underwear. "Oh my gosh, hes actually doing it!" Y/N says, I throw my underwear behind me and Y/N walks to go sit next to Gally.

"Who wants to go next?" I ask, but no one answers. "Gally!" I yell to him making him jump, he sighs. "Alright, hit me." He says crossing his arms, "truth or dare?" I ask him. "Truth!" Gally answers, I think about what to ask him. "Who's name did you write on the stone?" I ask him, "Chuck." Gally answers.

I can see Thomas fidget in the corner of my eye, "Y/N. Truth or dare?" Gally says to Y/N, "dare!" Y/N says happily. "I dare you to touch Minho."

I can feel my face turn red, "where?" she asks nervously. Gally whispers something into her ear, and then she looks to me. Y/N slowly walks towards me, she leans down and puts her hand under the water, touching me. Gally bursts out laughing and Y/N quickly rushes back to Gally slapping him before sitting back down.

"Guess it's my turn to ask someone!" Y/N says, she look around the crowd before laying her eyes on Aris. "Aris! Truth or dare?" She asks him, and Aris being safe goes with truth. "Okay, who was your first love?" Y/N asks. 

Aris looks down for a moment before saying, "her name was Rachel. I came up into the maze right after her, and I followed her until the end. But once we got taken into WICKED's building, we had got separated. Every night I prayed to see her again, every night I cried cause of her. And once I found her..." Aris stops talking when he begins to cry, "I'm sorry." He says before walking off, Sonya tries to get up and go after him but Y/N stops her. "No I should go, I'm the one that made him say it." Y/N says, Sonya nods before sitting back down as Y/N rushes after Aris.

(Your POV)

I run into the woods calling for Aris, I begin to hear waves crashing along land and muffled cries. I stop in my tracks, "Aris?" I say, the muffled cries stop. I begin to walk towards where the muffled cries were coming from, I walked out of the woods to come into a small area of sand. And Aris is there.

"Aris..." I say to him, he turns his head to me but soon looks away. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that Rachel was that important to you. I shouldn't ha---" I begin, but Aris cuts me off. "You're like her" he says still facing the ocean. "What?" I say in shock, "Rachel. You're like her." He says once again.

I slowly walk towards Aris and sit next to him, "how was I like her?" I ask him pulling my knees to my chest. He finally faces me and says, "the both of you are brave, courageous, smart, protective, and...beautiful." The last word sends a chill down my spine, "Aris..." I begin but he interrupts me and smashes his lips onto mine. I'm shocked but I kiss back, I felt really bad for him. Snap!

Me and Aris quickly pull away and look towards the woods, "you heard that right?" He asks me, I nod. He gets up and walks towards the woods, I follow after him. "Hello?" I say looking around, but there's no one. "We should head back" I say getting a little worried, "yeah. Let's go." Aris says walking back to everyone. 

Before we leave the spot I look back one more time, and I see a tall shadow quickly hide behind a tree. My heart skips a beat and I begin to walk faster.

~~Time Skip~~

We get back to the pond and see that everyone is drying off, "perfect timing!" Minho says. "We're all about to head back." Thomas says. Sonya and Harriet walk up to Aris, and I take this time to walk back to Minho. 

"Anything interesting happen?" I ask Minho, "no not really. Just a few kisses here and there but nothing good." He says back, "glad to see you have your underwear back on." I say walking to get my clothes. I see him smirk before grabbing his own clothes.

After I get my clothes on I walk to where the hammocks were to see almost everybody already asleep, I quiet tiptoe to my assigned hammock. I sit down on my hammock, kick off my boots, and head right to sleep.

"Aris..." I begin but he interrupts me by smashing his lips onto mine, I kiss him back since I felt bad for him. "Y/N?" I hear, I quickly pull away from Aris and look to where the voice came from. "Newt?!" I say getting to my feet.

I couldn't believe he was here, healthy and alive! But was he really? "Newt!" I yell running up to hug him. But he stops me, "Y/N...why?" Newt says with his eyes beginning to fill with tears. "No Newt, you don't understand! I didn't even want to kiss Aris! I just felt bad is all!" I explain. Newt looks to Aris, "it's true Newt. She didn't want to kiss me, I kissed her." Aris says, I look to Aris and then back to Newt. I can see his face tense up, "you bloody kissed my girlfriend?!" Newt yells moving to Aris. "I--I'm sorry, N---Newt." Aris says shakily.

I see Newts hand clench up into a fist, I move behind Newt and grab his wrist. "Newt don't, please don't!" I beg, Newt turns his face to me. "Y/N he bloody kissed you!" He says trying to be free of my grip, but I unfold his fist and put my hand in his hand.

"Come on, let's talk." I say dragging Newt away, I look back to Aris and see him still shook. But I continue to lead Newt until we're alone in the woods, "how are you here?" I ask him. He lets go of my hand and looks to me. "I just wanted to see you one last time" he begins. "The big man up there gave me one last request, and I wanted to see you." I look at him, and then to his lips. And as if reading my mind he puts his lips onto mine, how I missed his soft lips.

I wrap my arms around the back of his neck as he moves his hands down to my waist pulling me closer. He pulls away for just one second, "I love you Y/N." He says, and I look up to his beautiful brown eyes. "I love you too Newtie" I say before putting my lips back on his.

He lifts me up, putting his hands on my ass, as I wrap my legs around him. He pushes me against a tree and begins to kiss down my neck. "I missed you so much" I hear him say, I then realize I was still only in my bra and underwear. So I move my hands to take off his jacket and shirt, I rub my hands on his chest and stomach, missing being able to feel him. 

But then I notice something, he's fading away. "Newt?" I ask him, he stops kissing me and realizes what's happening. "I'm sorry love, but I'm afraid my time is up." He says looking at himself, "just one more kiss." I tell to him, he smiles and kisses me once more before disappearing. 

I wake up to a blue sky, I sit up in my hammock and see only a few people are awake. I put on my boots and follow the delicious smell of pancakes, I walk to the kitchen tent to see Fry already awake and cooking. "Morning Fry" I say making him turn to me, "morning Y/N." He says going back to cooking. 

"Please tell me you're cooking pancakes!" I hear a voice say from behind me, I look to see Minho. "Yes Minho, your favorite!" Fry says enthusiastically, "wait I didn't know your favorite was pancakes!" I say to Minho, "Y/N. You've known me for over six months, and still don't know my favorite is pancakes?" He says with sass, I roll my eyes and begin to help Fry with cooking. 

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