3 Training

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Today is the day I am leaving for National City. I woke up at eight o-clock and got ready. I brushed my dark black hair and put on my new glasses. I grabbed my suitcases with all my clothes and my bags with everything else I will need. I put on a pair of dark wash high waisted shorts and a white T-shirt that is tied up in a knot in the front. I pulled on by white converse and ran downstairs. I was greeted by Mom, Dad, Jon, and Kara. Dad and Jon got the rest of my bags and we walked to Kara's car. 

I turned around to face my family. My mom was the first to give me a hug. She squeezed me and I did the same. I hugged my dad next. "I'm going to miss you." he whispers in my ear.

"I will miss you too."

I turn to Jon and I jump on him. He catches me easily and I wrap my legs around him to stay up. Jon is my brother and best friend. I won't get to see him for a month. A tear rolls down my cheek when I think of it. "Don't miss me too much," he says and I laugh. 

"I'll try," I say through laughs. "Be good, I love you," Mom says. I get in the passenger's seat and look out the window at Jon. He is smiling a sad smile. 

"Love you, miss you!" I yell when Kara starts to pull out. I up the window and relax. I look at Kara with a big smile, which she returns. I nervously bite my lip thinking of how great this is going to be. 


We pull up to Kara's apartment in National City. When you first walk in the apartment there is the kitchen on your right and the dining table on your left. the living room is in front of you. the wall has a large window overlooking the city. She led me down the hallway. She shows me my bathroom and bedroom. I go to my new room to start unpacking. When I walk in I see a large queen sized bed. There is a large dresser next to the closet on one side and bedside table on the other. The wall next to the bed is all a window that overlooks the other side of National City. On the other side across the bed is a nice vanity with lots of drawers. 

I start to unpack my clothes. I put all my shirts in the closet in rainbow order. I put all my shoes below the clothes in the closet. I unpack the rest of my clothes and start on the vanity. I take out all my makeup and sort it in the drawers. "Lara the food is here!" Kara yells. I walk out and go get some of the food. It is Chinese of course. We eat our first dinner on the couch and watch a movie together. 


"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" I groan when I have to wake up. Today is Sunday and it is currently six o-clock in the morning. Kara told me to wake up at six because we are going for a run. I put on a red sports bra and blue running shorts. I pull on a blue zip-up jacket just encase it is cold. Kara comes out wearing similar attire and we go out to the lobby. 

We go outside and start our run. we run all the way to the Jamba juice that is one mile away. We get our drink, the same one we always get and drink it in the store. "So today will be our first day of training," Kara says. "I want to try and see all of the powers you have and then try and see what triggers them or if it's just random."


We finish our drink and start our run back. Kara is a lot better at running than I am. She has more endurance. I get so tired. I have learned by the end of the mile that I HATE running. When we finally get back to the apartment Sweat is dripping down my face. I immediately go and take a shower. When I get out I hear voices coming from the living room. 

"Hey Kara!" a girl whose voice I don't recognize says.

"Hello, Alex."

"Whose stuff is this?"

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