8 Halloween pt.2

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^^^ indicates a change in point of view, bolded means it's in Damian's.

"Oh my god" Nina is the on to break the silence. "Y-y-you just got invited to Damian Wayne's party" she stutters out.

"It's just because I'm Jon's sister he's just being polite don't overreact."

"This is not overreacting, I am reacting as anyone else would after their best friend being invited to Damian Wayne's party!"

"Are you gonna come with me to this thing?" I sigh

"Yes Yes Yes Yes"She squeals out.

"Jeez calm down it's not like I'm asking you to prom."

"You might as well be this is so exciting." She grabs one of the invitations and reads it as we head up the stairs.

"Here kid," I say tossing the invitation at Jon.

"Oh NO!" Nina shouts

"What is it now?"

"It's a costume party we need costumes." I sigh knowing what is gonna happen."Shopping!"


Nina and I have been in Party city for 2 hours and we have found nothing. Well, actually we found lots of things it's just that none of the costumes are up to par with Nina's very high standards."Maybe we should play it safe and go with something simple."I say trying to speed up the costume process.

"Okay.." she agreed "But I still want to be different... oh I know we can be a girl version of boys that's different."

"Okay, sure whatever you want is fine."I'm just saying whatever it takes to get out of here.

"Let's go as superheroes." She says excitedly. gulp that not a good idea. I try to quickly think of an excuse to not go as superheroes. 'I hate superheroes?' no, I live in metropolis everyone in metropolis loves Superman. 'I went as a superhero last year?' no, I went with Nina as Mario and Luigi last year dang it. "We can be-"oh no here it comes."Robin and Superboy!" noooooooooooo please god have mercy on me whyyyyy. "look it's okay I'll go as Robin so if you are uncomfortable when anyone asks you, you can just say you are Supergirl and look you already have the black hair." No, I can't be myself someone could recognize me. 'oh, hay that girl dressed as Supergirl looks Identical to the real Supergirl' and dad would never let me risk it. Oh god, that means...

"No actually-" I hate Halloween "Can I be-"this is going to be so uncomfortable "Robin?" I think I'm going to go eat some kryptonite now.

"Ya definitely I'd never pass up the opportunity to be the iconic Supergirl," Nina says excitedly.


Now we are at the mall looking to make our own costumes. Mom said she would help us if we needed it. Nina picked out different shirts and shorts I just let her be and sat in the food court, she knew all my sizes she can handle it. I was wallowing in my self-pity when Nina texted me saying she had finished. I called my mom and told her where to pick us up. On our way home Nina was going on about all the things she got. Nina is interesting. She isn't popular because she isn't willing to be a mean girl. I know she is beautiful but her glasses and her perfect grades make people associate her with being a nerd. Even though she is the girliest girl ever. She has an awesome fashion sense too. But the thing that really confuses me is the fact that she is the richest kid at our school. Well was now that Damian is here. I think everyone was jealous of her money so they kicked her down to my stature. I think Because of this she has always wanted to prove her worth and be popular.

Superman's daughter ( Damian Wayne love story)Where stories live. Discover now