4 Mission

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Warning this chapter will talk about a school bombing. If you are not comfortable with that than skip over the parts that begin and end with (***).

"BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" Ohh god not again. It's Monday. I hate Mondays with a burning passion. At least I don't have to go on the run with Kara again. I do have to start my schoolwork though. Even though I truly love school waking up and having your only motivation be writing an essay isn't the best. I slowly make my way out of bed checking my phone once I am up.

23 unread messages

'Sup sis hows it going'

'Hey, are you there???'

"Dang Kara must really be keeping you busy'

'seriously come on I wanna know how it going'

'Fine ignore me like that sheesh.'

'Lara help'

' I swear Lara I have never met someone so rude in my entire life '

'Robin is a tooottaaaalllllyy annoying'

I decided instead of reading the rest of the texts I would just call Jon.

"RING RING RING" Come on Jon I
know you are by your phone

"Finally I thought you had died."

"My training has been going well thanks for asking"

"Lara, I did ask you just didn't answer your texts!"

"So who is this grump you were messaging me about."

"OHH my God!!! So Robin, son of Batman, shows up at my window and practically kidnaps me. And all this stuff happened with like crazy robot people and a family of superheroes, but now me and Damian have to be PARTNERS! what the heck!"

"whoa whoa whoa, Jon slow down. You are now partners with Robin?"

"Yup, Damian Wayne and I are now partners."

"That sounds very exciting Jon but I have to go."

"Oh... okay Bye "

Poor Jon, I had heard things about the newest Robin from some friends and it isn't the best. Let alone the fact that he is a Wayne which can't be helpful. I had seen pictures of Damian on magazines or on the news and he looked like a stuck up jerk. Although he is a superhero and If you re going to save peoples lives every night you have to be a good person right? even if it's deep...deeep...deeeeep down.

I walk into the Kitchen and grab some milk and cereal. Kara is probably already at CatCo for work so I'll just start studying myself. I grab my cereal and open up my independent study packet. I start working on the work my teachers assigned me and time just flies by. Before I know it Kara is opening the door.

"Hay Lara why don't you go run and get changed, we are going to head to the DEO."With that, I ran off to my bedroom. I quickly changed into a white cropped top and some grey running shorts. I tied my hair up in a quick ponytail and ran out to meet Kara. She was standing at the door, already changed."Alright, let's go." she chirped as she went out the door.


"Lara!" Winn yelled a when he saw me walk through the door. 

I gave him a quick hug before asking, "Soooo... hows my suit going?"

Superman's daughter ( Damian Wayne love story)Where stories live. Discover now