15 Ace

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Warning: Prelude to child abuse (Very End).

When we finally pulled up to Wayne Manor Jon lept out of the car racing to greet a large black Great Dane. I hurried out as well waiting to meet the large pup. When I first got out of the car the large dog barked at me probably unsure of me since I am new to him. Damian appeared by my side slowly taking my hand. I looked at him surprised eyeing Jon who was standing right next to me. Damian led me up to the dog and held it out for the dog to sniff.

"His name is Titus, "Damian was the first to speak. Titus smelt my hand and sat back looking between Damian and I seemingly asking Damian if I am to be trusted or not. Damian answered by lifting my hand to his lips and kissing it briefly. At this action, the dog came up and jumped up on us seemingly excited for his new friend. I laughed and pet the handsome dog. Jon, however, sent the most intense gaze towards Damian who just avoided his eyes. Damian lent down next to me so he could pet his dog and Jon continued his fierce glare. 


We were watching a movie now titled 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before'. I loved the movie because of a certain Noah wich Damian just scoffed and rolled his eyes. Jon didn't mind the film but it certainly wasn't his style the only reason we where watching the movie was because I got to pick. The movie was nearing its end and when the final credits rolled Damian and Jon couldn't help but let out a thankful groan. Since they had to endure my chic-flics I let them pick the next movie. That was my first mistake. Of course, they decided to choose the new horror film 'Hereditary'.  My second mistake was staying to watch it. How could I not with Jon calling me a wimp and Damian whispering in my ear about how he would protect me. So I stayed and I am now currently smushed between Jon and Damian. Jon was on my left clutching onto my hand and Damian to my right who I am holding onto for dear life. He also acts as a good shield when I get scared and can't watch. Most of the jump scares didn't faze him but I did notice a couple of them cause him to tighten his grip on me. The living room fireplace was lit heating us up even more than the blanket we were hiding under. All the lights had been turned off and the smell of our popcorn still lingered even though I accidentally threw it in the first five minutes. The room was exceptionally dark now since the characters were in a dark space and only the faint light of the TV illuminated the room. I was curled up into Damian's side and Jon into mine Damian's' grip on my hand would have hurt if I was human. 


Piercing screams were all that was heard. Jon literally flew up. Damian yanked me into his chest jumping on the ground to take cover. I gasped when we hit the ground the fear slowly leaving me. Laughter filled the room. Damian's brothers were doubled over laughing. Dick wiped tears from his eyes, not able to even form a comprehensible sentence. Jason was leaning on Tim who was in a similar state to Dick. Tim laughed pointing at Jason and us. Jon had landed on the couch now trying to catch his breath and Damian had released me allowing me to roll onto the floor. 

Jason stood up, "Why so jumpy?" he laughed out. Damian let out a fierce battle cry and pounced on him going straight for the neck. They fell over and Jason continued laughing on the ground. "Oh I'm sorry did I scare you and your little girlfriend," Jason taunts. 

"Ugh, Lara is not my girlfriend," Damian scoffed, "As if I could ever have feelings for Kent."

Ouch. Damian really just said that. His brother's laughter ceased and I crossed my arms shooting him a glare. Tim looked on edge and slowly started inching out of the room. "What is that supposed to mean?" I spat out. Damian finally turned to me flinching under my harsh gaze.  He looked dumbfounded mouth hanging open slightly eyes scanning across my face looking for answers.

"Wh-What did I say?" he asked stupidly. I just scoff rolling my eyes and leave the room heading down to the Batcave to wait for patrol.


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