20 Green with Envy

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After the episode in the quad Ace and I made our way to the administration's office to pick up his schedule. The stuck up office aids gave Ace a sharp glare mediately after they saw him.

"Don't you know that there is a dress code here young man," one of them reprimanded.

Ace just smiled, "Sorry it's my first day." She huffed and asked for his first and last name. Her harsh frown turned to a frightened one when Ace uttered his name, "Ace Quinzelle." SHe quickly printed out his schedule without another word. Just because people didn't know who the joker was everyone knew of the once praised Dr Harleen Quinzell that fell mad for the joker. This weekend Aces usual cheery mood.

Bruce had managed to give him the same classes as me so I led him to our first class. AP Bio wasn't my favourite but I didn't mind it. Ace avoided his last name when being asked to introduce himself by the teacher. Luckily I didn't have a seat partner so he was able to sit by me. We went through the day smoothly no trouble occurring so far. So far...

The bell for lunch came quickly and I latched on to Aces hand racing down the school halls faster than the flash himself. I always was first in the lunch line even when I didn't have my powers. The lunches at my school were divine. Ace and I ordered our meals and I brought him to my normal lunch table. I got up to grab some napkins when I heard a familiar voice echo behind me.

"Lara Kent!" the voice of my best friend came off a little more angered than I would have expected. Her outburst cause heads to turn our direction.

"Nina I missed you!" I said opening my arms to her as she dashed over. She did not hug me. Instead, she sent a shove my way. This action caused three boys to jump to their feet. Ace, Damian, and Jon stood in a fighting stance ready if I show any more signs of distress. "What the heck!" I yell at her.

"You ignore me for weeks with no word not to mention the fact that you show up with some hot new kid even though you abandoned me to run off with my crush at the Halloween party!" she shouts in my face.

"Look Nina if you want to talk it's fine but not right here, "I try to reason with her, people had started recording with their phones.

"No, I want everyone to know how much of a slu-"

"Shut up!" Ace and Damian yelled at the same time. They were now both beside you clenching their fists holding back from attacking the girl.

Jon along with his new girlfriend Kelly had come to get you and where pulling you away from Nina. Ace and Dami stayed, however.

"Of course her two boy toys came to save her!" Nina yelled tears brimming her eyes. "Now I'm gonna look like the bad guy. She was the one who started going after my crush when she knew I liked him." full tears started to trail down her face. It is true she did express her crush on Damian to me but I never thought it was this serious. I broke free from Damian and went back to Nina who just looked at me no longer angry but more so hurt.

I tried to reassure her, "Nina I'm sorry if I made you think iI was trying to be with Damian I promise I'm not I don't even like him! I swear you can have him if you want I promise you he is just my brother's annoying friend."

"Really?" she sniffles out.

"Yes," I hugged her and whispered in her ear, "I actually really like Ace."

Ace didn't hear me of course but a certain former assassin did along with a superpowered brother. The bell for lunch rang and I grabbed my food knowing I would be able to eat it in History which was my next class which was Literature. My grades big final project was in the English department. Our task was to partner up or get in groups and reenacted an assigned scene from a Shakespearean play. The teachers let you pick partners and based on that they assigned us a scene. We also had to read the whole play and write an essay on the story and about why your scene is so important but the reenactment was to see if we really knew the meaning of the text and partially for entertainment. Ace and I partnered up and awaited our assignment. My teacher Mrs Maudi was a helpless romantic and when she saw Ace and I partnered up she ran back to her desk to grab a scene that she hadn't had before. "I'm technically not supposed to give this one out but I feel like you guys could do it so well." She handed us the thick packet. Romeo and Juliette act 1 scene 5. Was written across the top of it. I quickly scanned through the scene only remembering the play from a while ago. It was the first kiss scene between the characters.

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