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The castle towered above the sky- ancient walls built with thick stone. It was surrounded by bright green trees and the smell of something sweet. In the middle of the trees was a golden pathway, shining as though it were the sun itself. It led to the tall oak door with steadfast stony pillars on each side. Within this Castle, the gods lived.

As at the time this story begins, the castle and the gods in it had just survived a ten-year war. Before the war, out of fear that one of his children would overthrow him, Cronos swallowed his own offspring as soon as they were born. When the youngest Zeus was born, Cronos' wife, Rhea wrapped a rock in a blanket and substituted it for the child. Cronos not paying any attention to it, swallowed the rock thinking he had swallowed Zeus.

Years later, when Zeus had grown, he snuck into the palace and freed his siblings from their tyrant father before waging war on the titans. The children of Cronos, now known as the Olympians fought in the war for a long decade and won.

The titans fell- and this is where our story begins.

"Hades", a voice came from behind, awakening him from his thoughts. He looked back to see Hestia, his sister. Her brown hair was braided and pulled back so her face was more visible. When she smiled, her warm, cozy eyes lit up like there was fire in them and it was no surprise for Hestia was the central fire in the castle and the light of Olympus. Her garment was a simple earthly brown color, fastened at her shoulders by golden brooches.

"Yes?", Hades asked. Hestia had light feet, like those of a dancer. He wasn't surprised that he hadn't heard her walk in. She clasped her palms together; silver bracelets adorned her hands- from her wrists all the way to her elbows.

"Zeus and Poseidon seek you", she said softly and without waiting for a reply, she turned her back on him and skipped casually out of the room.

As the door shut, Hades sighed and looked out the window. He could still remember getting out of his father's stomach, gasping for breath like it was yesterday. The war had ended. Overthrowing the titans meant taking responsibility for everything including the humans. He knew this.

He walked out of his room and down the grey hallway. His footsteps echoed around the staircases he passed on his way and as he walked, he ran his fingers across the stony walls. They were rough- making his skin sting with cold. Zeus' room was at the end of the hallway and with each step that brought him closer, Hades' heart beat faster. Although he couldn't tell why.

He paused at the door, taking a deep breath before knocking. There was silence for a few seconds before he heard Poseidon's voice.

"Come in"

Poseidon stood in front of Hades when he opened the door, a wide grin on his face. His green eyes lit up, the way they always did when he was happy. They were the color of sea moss and his hair was mostly black, but sometimes, it looked blue as well. His tunic was white and loose around his body, the sleeves ended at his wrist. It was fastened together at his waist by a belt and ended just below his knee.

"Ten years of war and it's finally over Brother!", he reached out to hug Hades. His voice was cheerful and excited. Hades wondered why he didn't feel the same way. The thoughts of what was to come were stopping him from really enjoying the present and celebrating what they had achieved so far. Poseidon was right. It was over and they were free- so why didn't it feel that way.

Hades released himself and nodded calmly at his brother. He turned to Zeus who stood by a window, watching the two. His lips were pressed into a straight line and his white hair was neatly coiffured. Under the moonlight which seeped in through the window, his pale skin shone and his baby blue eyes darkened.

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