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Persephone was crouched in a corner when Hades walked in, her eyes bloodshot like she had been crying. He felt his heart crash. He had been expecting a reaction like that from her but seeing it live made him rethink his actions. At the same time, he was reluctant to let her go.

He thought it could be possible to show her how much he cared about her. He had admitted that when it came to Persephone, he was a bit crazier than usual but she made him happy. He hadn't felt truly happy in a long time.

"I'll brought you some ambrosia", he said.

She glared at him, "I don't want anything from you"

"Would you rather starve then?"

She clenched her jaw and looked away from him, "I would much rather leave"

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that"

She scoffed tiredly and then she sniffed, wiping her nose with the back of her hand.

"If you eat the ambrosia", he said, "then I can explain to you why you're here"

She looked up at him, "and why should I trust you?"

"You don't really have a lot of options, now do you?"

Hades sat across the table from Persephone, watching as she ate the ambrosia and drank the nectar slowly. She was a bit too slow for his liking but at least she was eating and it made him smile. she rose one brow when she noticed the smile on his face and swallowed quickly.

"You're Hades", she said, "brother of Zeus", she paused, "king of the underworld"

He placed his palm on the table, "how long did it take for you to figure that out?"

She took a sip of the nectar and shrugged, "not long"

He nodded and she studied him closely, "I've heard about you. The first son of the titan Cronos, locked away in the darkness. The humans fear you so much that they can't even risk saying your name out loud"

Hades sighed and shook his head. He had heard the tales the humans told themselves about him. He wondered where these stories had truly originated from. All he did was keep the souls in the underworld.

"They call you the Zeus of the underworld", Persephone said and he opened his eyes wide.

"What?!", his voice echoed around the room, "how dare they call me by my brother's name?"

She giggled and he felt his heart skip a beat.

"That doesn't seem fair", he muttered to himself.

"It doesn't", she shook her head, "you don't seem all that scary if you ask me"

He cocked his head at her, "I don't?"

She shook her head and took a bite out of the ambrosia.

Hades placed both elbows on the table in front of him and leaned in to stare closely at Persephone, "do you not fear my darkness?"

She mirrored his position and leaned in with a playful smirk on her face, "why would I?", she asked, "you haven't even seen mine yet"

He chuckled and she leaned back, grabbing the cup and drinking the rest of the nectar in it. the food had tasted better than she thought it would. She watched Hades as he fingers danced across the table, his gaze resting on it. He had a playful look in his eyes and she wondered why he was so feared in the upperworld. He looked pretty normal to her.

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