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Cerberus moaned softly as it laid on the ground. Hades sighed as his fingers played around in the hound's fur, he had watched Persephone pick flowers with Artemis and Athena for over an hour and it only made him sadder.

"What happens now Cerberus?", he asked, "I never had much of a choice when it came to the life I live and now the one thing that I do choose", he stared at Persephone longingly, "I cannot have. Why is fate so unfair to me?"

Cerberus breathed heavily and he opened one pair of eyes to stare at the god, he whined at the glum look on Hades' face.

"Look at her", Hades sighed, "her face is my salvation"

Cerberus gazed at Persephone and then rested his head back on his paws, closing his eyes. Hades looked up at the sky. Trying to convince Demeter to let him marry Persephone seemed like the only option but Hades knew Zeus was right. Demeter was stubborn- but that wasn't enough to stop Hades from feeling what he felt.

"I can't juts give up dear friend", he said as he looked back at her, "if Demeter won't allow it, then I'll have to take her myself", he added, "sounds like a pretty good plan, don't you think so?"

All three of Cerberus' heads yawned and Hades thought he heard the hound scoff after. He rolled his eyes as he sat up straight on Cerberus' back, "we're going to take her today", he said, "now we just have to wait"

He took a deep breath and watched. Artemis placed a flower in Persephone's hair and smiled sweetly at her. Persephone grinned in return and picked up a sunflower, the yellow color of its petals brightened until it was almost golden and a butterfly flew over to rest on it. Persephone handed it to Artemis and stood, carrying a basket in her hand.

The way she walked was graceful, almost as if she were dancing. Just like the first day he saw her and every day since then, the little animals and birds seemed as mesmerized with her as Hades was. They surrounded her, perching on her shoulders, standing on her held up fingers, holding up her dress so it didn't sweep the dusty earth and she welcomed them all as though they were her family, with a smile on her face.

Hades watched as she walked away from the other goddesses. It was the perfect chance to take her with him, to the underworld and make her his queen. It seemed like the only liable option there was- even though it wasn't the smartest but he would have to deal with whatever consequences he would face later. For now, he wanted her and that was enough.

Persephone paused in front of a field of lilies and then she bent and began to run her fingers over them. their petals floated and danced with her as she spinned around, holding up her dress. Hades had never been so captivated by a goddess' abilities before. The petals fell back down and stuck to their flowers and then she began to pull them out of the earth, placing them under her nose to inhale their scent before dropping them into the woven basket in her hand.

"It's time Cerberus", Hades patted the hound. Cerberus groaned sleepily and yawned, "how could you be trying to sleep at a time like this?"


Cerberus stood and Hades steadied himself on his back, "swift and fast okay?", he said and Cerberus only growled in response, his gaze fixed on Persephone. 




Spring was when everything about nature seemed playful. The air, the creatures, the soil from which the flowers pushed themselves out of- their lovely petals dancing in the wind. The sun gave warmth, the air smelt fresh, the grass was greener and all of this was enough to put a smile on her lips.

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