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"Hades...", a voice said.

Without waiting long enough to see who it was, Hades stormed out of the hall. He could feel the gazes of the other gods burning into his back as he walked out but his body was filled with so much rage and fire that he didn't seem to care. His fists were clenched around the straw he had drawn- the shortest in the lot and he couldn't believe that this was the fate he had been given.

Once inside, Hades fell to his knees. The responsibility given to him was not one he thought he could handle but he had agreed to the terms of the draw and it only meant that this was his fate. Whether he liked it or not.

The underworld was a dark place. All the gods knew that, and so did the humans. It was why they feared it so much. It was why they couldn't risk living terrible lives- so they could protect their souls from staying in darkness for all eternity. The stories of the underworld were told to the human children to put fear in their minds so they could be good. They called it hell. It sent shivers down their spines. It was enough to turn their hearts to the right path.

None of the gods ever ventured deep into the underworld unless they had serious business there. If it wasn't serious enough, the messenger god which Hermes was now, would be sent to deliver the message. Hades wasn't sure who ruled the underworld during the era of the titans but it didn't really matter now that he would have to.

"Hades...", a voice called from outside, "please let me in"

Hades' jaw clenched as he gasped for breath. He knew who it was but he refused to open the door anyway. Being around any of the other gods would only make him feel worse. He reckoned Zeus must have started a big celebration in the throne room already. His straw had been the longest. He was the god of the sky- the king of the gods. It came as no surprise to anyone, Hades thought. After all, Zeus had saved them from the titans all on his own and led the war that gave them Olympus. He deserved his fate but did that mean Hades deserved his?

Hades heard the door open and footsteps walked in slowly, making their way towards him. He looked up; Hestia held an object in her hand but covering it was a large, dark cloth. She smiles apologetically at Hades.

"I'm so sorry about all of this Hades", she said as she walked towards a small cushioned stool in the corner. She set the object on the stool gently. "Maybe we can talk to Zeus, he can find something else, something different for you to do", she added, "but you can't go there"

She moved towards him and crouched, her eyes studied his face, "you are feeling so much rage, anger and sadness in you right now", she said softly as she rose her hand to touch his face. Her thumb brushed across his cheek, "something had to be done"

He smiled weakly, "It is fate Hestia"

"Fate?", she asked, "no, Fate would never be so cruel to a being", her fiery eyes softened, "it cannot be your fate to go somewhere like that"

"Beings have done it before me"

She stood and looked down at him, "you'll be there forever"

"It is fate"

"The smell of darkness Hades, do you know what it will do to you?"

He stood and sighed, "I cannot battle fate Hestia. As much as I want to", he gazed down at his feet, "if I am filled with so much darkness, after a thousand years in that place- there are some things I can never forget", he looked up at her, "like your kindness and warmth, my dear sister"

Hestia lips whimpered, "you don't know that for sure"

"You just have to trust me then"

He stretched his hand towards her and she placed hers in his. He pulled her in for a long embrace. It felt like goodbye even though neither of them was ready for it yet. Hestia released him and without staring into his eyes, she walked over to the cushioned stool and grabbed the object. She walked back to Hades and handed it to him.

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