Worth It

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Halloween was successful for the kids, and I handed out candy to about seventy trick or treaters. As November fifth approached, wherever we went, Hunter made sure my hospital bag came with us. My due date came and passed. Sutton's friend Lilly was allowed to come over and they had a sweet little play date and lunch together. "Thank you for being around." I kissed Hunter's cheek as I put the dish pod in the washer before heading to bed.
"No need to thank me," he held my hand as we walked up to bed, "how are you feeling? We've never had a late baby."

"I think this little person is very comfortable," I placed my hand on my belly, "I'm not worried. It's just hard to move around, the space in there is limited." It was November eighth and we hadn't made plans for Easton's fourth birthday simply because we expected to have our new family member with us. "I'll call the doctor on Monday." I kissed Hunter's cheek and we turned out the lights.

Monday rolled around and first thing I did was call the doctor's. Hunter took the kids to school and picked me up on his way back so we could go to the doctor together. "Hello Jenna, Hunter," Dr. Goderich greeted us, "looks like we are a little late." The technician set me up for an ultrasound. "Everything looks good, the baby is downward, and has been for a little bit. The cord is out of the way, so it looks like you will be able to have a similar birth to your previous two. I have no concerns. I'll give your baby two more days, or else we will have to induce you." Hunter's eyes widened a bit.

"That's an eviction notice," I chuckled as the technician cleaned up my belly, "Hunt can you help me?" Hunter helped me up and off the table and we walked back to the car. "Happy, healthy and just too comfortable." He helped me on the car and we headed home.

"Two days will be Easton's birthday..." Hunter said, "should we have our family come out? Or are we just gonna ham it up at Christmas?"

"Oh my gosh," I placed my hand on my forehead, "poor Eas. Umm I think it'd be best if we waited til Christmas. Think Sam and Amy will take Sutton and Easton out with you for his birthday if I'm in the hospital"

"I'm sure they would love to. I'll talk to Sam okay?"

"Thank you. It sounds crazy but I know it's all worth it." I placed a hand on my oversized belly and smiled.

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