C H A P T E R 4

18 2 0

  I am so so so sorry for the long update!!!! I was really really busy with school and competitions and I had a camp I really am sorryyyyy!!!! I will update more frequently well I'll try my best aitezzz!! Please enjoy this chapter!!!

Nere's POV

While heading to the headmaster's office, students were staring at us curiously probably thinking why the two new students are being called to the headmaster's office which still pisses me off and I would have killed them all if it wasn't for Ana who kept restraining me.

We soon arrived and a wooden yet a greatly designed door which makes it look very antique stands before us with words in gold "Headmaster Office."

Ana knocked on the door while I'm whistling calmly looking around as it was boring, I mean I was just about to get another murder target during lunch but Ana and the headmaster just had to intercept my plans, and if I remember correctly, the headmaster is Andrew Langlois. A very famous educator and is known to be very strict but what's more interesting is that the moment he became in charge on this school many stuff started to become different, such as the rules that don't allow students to stay till 6 pm.

"Come in."

A deep, mellow and masculine voice came from behind the door, signaling us to come in. Without hesitation I instantly pushed the door open and walked inside without a care that the highest ranking person in this school is sitting right before me, staring directly at me with no emotion.

"Yo hehe"

"Tsk, Nere I told you to be at your best behaviour...I'm truly sorry for this unsightly display of this idiot friend of mine Headmaster," Ana said while bowing.

"Aww come on Ana don't be such a good kid, I don't think he is bothered at all right?"

I smiled innocently at the Headmaster and managed to see him falter a bit in his eyes before reverting back to his cold and lifeless eyes.

"It is fine Anastasia, I do not mind since I did call both of you on such short terms. Besides, I called you here for an important matter, have you heard of the Twin Reapers?"

My eyes shot wide opened while I stare at him in utter shock only to meet with cold, dead eyes that shows no hint of emotion as it only shows nothingness. Ana faltered a bit and took a step back while secretly reaching for her dagger under her skirt, preparing to strike if needed. I took a defensive stance without much notice as the atmosphere in the room dropped as an ominous feeling spread across the room. Before I could do anything Ana regain her composure.

"Whatever do you mean Headmaster? I have heard small rumors about them killing notorious people in crime organizations but no, I have not heard much about them"

Looks like Ana lied, let's play along, shall we. I nodded my head slightly before looking back at Ana who has her poker face on again.

The Headmaster looked at us blankly, staring at us as if waiting for us to break. Damn his stare is really intimidating and he has not even shown any emotion. I wouldn't be surprised if he and Ana are related.

Before I wanted to say something he cut me off and decided to speak. Tsk, why is everyone interrupting me today hmph!

"You know...It's not good to lie to your elder's girls, admit it that you are the Twin Reapers."

W-What the? What is this just how? I look over to Ana and saw her broke her poker face as she opened her eyes wide completely in shock.

"I-I have no idea what you are talking about Headmaster and why are you even accu-"


Dammit! How can we escape from this? I look over to Ana and saw her slowly pulling out her dagger and so I was about to strike together with her until,

"Don't try anything unnecessary girls or the entire world will know.."

Fuck! He got us now, Ana beside me then put back her dagger and relax before sighing and looking at the Headmaster.

"How? We clearly erased any evidence left by us, heck even our methods are very secretive the top brass of the military couldn't even track us down."

"Well let's just say I have my ways with info,"

"Then tell us what you are going to do right now that the two infamous killers are in front of you and are able to kill you easily."

"Calm down, I'm not trying to make enemies. I just want to ask you...Would you like to enter the True School?"  

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