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«Quoting Nolan»

-Chapter Ten» Forgiveness-

Austen sighed loudly, drumming her fingers over the counter top. Nolan, who was boiling the kettle turned around, an amused smile on his face. Austen shook her head and stood. Only to begin pacing the back room.

The sound of water splashing against the cups, jingling spoons mixing hot chocolates and quiet muffled chuckles the only sounds she can hear.

"Something on your mind?" Nolan asks knowingly, his voice nearing her. She turned to him and accepted the drink he held out for her. Cradling it in her own hands and falling back onto the worn sofa, she kicks her feet up onto the coffee table.

Yes, there was something on her mind. More accurately, someone. Daniel O'James to be exact. A pain in the arse, to be realistic. He had been calling nonstop, emailing nonstop, texting nonstop. He wanted his daughter. And as much as Austen wanted her father, after all this time, all these years, is he still... worth it? Was it worth the wait?

"Austen, you can tell me you know. I'm a good listener."

Austen sighed again and turned to face Nolan as he sat beside her. "I'm sorry, I'm just a bit.. blah."

Nolan smirked and rose an eyebrow, "A bit Blah?" He chuckled.

Austen raised a finger at him and pointed, "Don't judge."

"I would never." He spoke, biting his lip to refrain from letting a smile or a chuckle loose. He sipped from his hot chocolate, "Go on then, spit it out."

"It's just my Dad." Austen dismissed.

"Just your Dad?" Nolan repeated.

Austen sighed again. Dammit Nolan Jensen. So Nosy. "He just won't stop calling. He wants to see me, but after all this time," Austen let's loose a loud breath of frustration, "I'm just not sure if..."

"You can forgive him." Nolan finishes.

She nods.

"Austen, forgiveness is not because they deserve it, it's because you do. Sometimes forgiveness is about loving yourself enough to move on."

Austen just stared at him, completely and utterly perplexed. "Who's tha-"

"Dr. Steve Maraboli."

Austen nods, strands of fiery locks falling over her eyes. This time Nolan brushes them away, curling them behind her ear. "Your punishing yourself by preventing yourself of forgiveness. Holding grudges takes work and it's painful. Your mother can hold hers as long as she likes, but you know what you really want. Your Dad made a massive mistake leaving you behind," he spoke, his fingers resting on her chin to pull her eyes to his gaze, "but he's only human. He's only a man. And men make mistakes, no one is perfect. John Green said, 'I don't know a perfect person. I only know flawed people who are still worth loving.'"

Austen raised her free hand and cupped his face, she watched as Nolan leaned into it. "I really hate you sometimes." She whispers.

He chuckles. "You wish you did."

«««« That Night »»»»

Austen sat impatiently waiting for the ringing to end. She waited for the disappointing drone of the answering machine. But instead, she was gifted with a voice she had dreamt of hearing since she was thirteen years old. "Austen?"


Austen heard her fathers defeated sigh of relief on the end of the line. "Thank you so much for calling me back."

Quoting Nolan Where stories live. Discover now