«Wonders § Ordinary Life»

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«Quoting Nolan»

-Chapter Four» Wonders § Ordinary Life-

Austen walked home that day, with a small grin plastered to her rosy lips, one of which she seemed to have trouble getting rid of lately.

Nolan was surely something else. He was a mystery, her mystery even. And having only read about mysteries and cliché note passings and other such actions in books, the reality of this deemed persistent to catch up with her.

What if it's too good to be true? What if it's all a prank or a practical joke? Her conscience continued to ask her.

But what if it isnt?

That question always seemed to overpower the others. Perhaps it was the teenage girls natural second nature of curiosity, but she had a good inkling about this.

However she was almost sure that if she were to find that the only thing keeping a smile to her face prior to this moment was a fake, well, it would surely crush her. Stampede her like a giant boot to a defeated ant. The ant being her that is.

So with somewhat twisted images and feelings combined in her mind, she decided to remain careful and cautious throughout the remainder of this little fiasco, however long it may last.

With that set straight in mind, she pushed open the black painted door and kicked off her shoes, entering the warmth of her personal minuscule hell. Preying that her mothers mood was a positive one, she headed towards the kitchen where'd she'd usually find her. But having seen the woman nowhere in sight, she followed through the rustic styled room towards her fathers study which was deemed 'no mans land' since he left.

On the other side of the door she heard an angry mumbling, stutters and mutters filled with the utmost discomfort. Inching closer, she placed a hand against the wooden doorframe and listened in, desperate to identify the voice that fought against her mothers.

"I told you not to come back here again. I do not need this kind of stress Daniel, neither of us do!" Ness' rowdy voice bellowed.

"I couldn't care less what stress it brings you, I have a right to see my own daughter!" the strangled, angry, and firm tone of voice argued. Her fathers voice.

"Who do you think you are? Really Daniel, who? You cannot just simply waltz back into her life after deciding that you couldn't give a crap!"

"-you know that's not how it-"

"Four years Daniel, four bloody years. I am not having this argument with you again, I am her mother, I have the bigger say and I don't want you near her." Her mother bites back.

"That's ridiculous, she wouldn't even be here of it weren't for me! So don't give me bull about you having more rights, I have every right to see my kid." Daniel argues, voice defiant and demanding.

"That's just the thing," Austen's mother laughs harshly, -she can imagine the blonde, tipping her head back to emphasise her mock laughter- succeeding in making Austen's shoulders hunch. "She's not a kid anymore, that thirteen year old 'kid' that you remember has left, a long time ago, along with your presence."

"What should her age matter? She's my flesh and blood and nothing you can do will stop-"

"Not even me?" Austen's timid voice breaks through the shouting.

Both Ness and Daniel turn to find Austen stood in the doorway, golden handle near enough rattling in the teenagers hand as she stared them down with bright eyes, flickering emotions, devouring every move they make.

Quoting Nolan Where stories live. Discover now