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«Quoting Nolan»


Christmas was bright and beautiful, perhaps this year more than others. Austen knew why though, she understood how and why this particular Christmas deemed much more splendid than the ones before. It was because this Christmas, Austen and her husband were harbouring a baby.

Austen Jensen, clad in a well fitted long purple dress, stood beautifully at the front door to Julianne and Oliver Jensen's house. Nolan's arm was tightly wrapped around her waist, supporting her as she carried one year old Irelan Jensen on her hip. A spitting image of his father. His already tousled black hair growing wildly atop his tiny baby head, only he welcomed Austen's bright jade eyes.

Austen smiled down at her child. Her little boy and kissed his head, Irelan looked up at his mother and giggled a childish laugh. Austen's eyes along with her sons, casted towards Nolan, who was stood beside her, his own eyes devouring the sight of his family. "I love you." Nolan whispered to them.

"We love you too," his wife replied quietly, leaning into her husbands hold as the wide wooden door opened revealing Julia, dressed to perfection.

"Well if it isn't my favourite little bookworms!" She chuckles, "Come in, come in." Julia beamed, opening the door wider, showcasing the brightly decorated house.

"Merry Christmas Julia." Austen smiled warmly and Julia thanked her with a kiss on the cheek.

"Merry Christmas love."

"Merry Christmas Aunt Jules." Nolan chuckled and pulled his aunt into a large hug as she wished him a Merry Christmas back.

"And who is this?" Julia cooed, moving away from her nephew and towards their son, her eyes alive and giddy. "Have you come to spend Christmas with your auntie, yes you have!" Julia takes Irelan from Austen's hold and bounces him up and down. "Oh look at you, you've gotten so big!" Irelan giggles wildly in response and Julianne disappears off into the kitchen with him.

Nolan laughs loudly and taking ahold of Austen's hand, he pulled her towards the living room where they were greeted by the family. Oliver pulls Austen into a big hug, as does Nolan's siblings and Oliver and Julianne's children.

"Look at you Austen, you're practically glowing." Violet, Nolan's cousin spoke, pulling Austen into a quick tight hug.

"I'll have you know my wife always glows." Nolan defended, creating various chuckles and awes to rumble throughout the room. He pulled his arms around his wife and whispered gently, "Do you want something to drink?"

"Wine would be nice."

"Red or White?" Her husband chuckled.

"You decide."

"Very well," and with a kiss to her cheek, Nolan Jensen disappears into the kitchen where all the food for Christmas dinner is being laid out.

Austen looked around the living room and smiled. She had never had a very big family, she thought that they were overrated. But she was so wrong. Austen cannot think of a time she was as happy as she was now when she was with just herself and mother. Some of the happiest moments in her life happened with Nolan by her side. When she was accepted into university, when she graduated, when Nolan proposed, when she found out she was pregnant with Irelan. She was never entirely happy with the life she was living. But Nolan turned it all around. He forced her to see the good and to fix things with her father and her mother.

"Tell us Austen, what's so special about our cousin?" Violet asked, raising a glass of red wine to her painted lips.

Austen thought for a moment, her eyes briefly glancing towards the kitchen door, where her husband was talking with his father, laughing, two wine glasses in his hands. "Nolan has a way with words."

Violets eyebrow raised and she chuckled, "Words?"

"Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic."

"Where'd you hear that?"

"I didn't. I'm quoting Nolan."

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