Kunoichi Ghoul

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'Liars, all of them are liars.'

That's right, they lied to you. Who is it that you can trust now?

'No one, I trust no one.'

No one?

'I trust Kaneki.'

Only Kaneki?

'Only Kaneki.'

What about me? Have I not given you helpful advice in times of need? Aren't I always there for you? Don't I understand you better than Kaneki? Don't I understand you're hunger?

'I don't know if I can trust you.'

You will have to trust me sooner or later Himika. We are one and the same, you can never escape yourself.

'You're not me!'

Oh Himika, but I am!

'No you're not! I am me!'

But I am also you. I am another piece of you.

'Why did all of this happen to me? Why couldn't I have grown up a normal human!'

Because you are special Himika.

'I don't want to be special!'

It's much too late for that.

'Leave me be! Get out of my head! Let me go to Kaneki!'

Fine, but you can't escape yourself.

Shin kept quiet after that and Himika focused on finding where Kaneki had gone.

Himika jumped swiftly from building to building in the dark night of Tokyo as she made her way across the city, following the sound of blaring sirens. Eventually she found a large bus, turned on it's side, on fire and basically destroyed, ghouls slowly emerging from the wreck. Standing on top of the burning bus, stood a figure dressed in black, fitting the description of the Eyepatch ghoul, Himika new it was Kaneki. Himika quickly jumped on top of the bus, standing next to Kaneki.

"Himika?" Kaneki whispered, unsure if it was really her.

"It's me." She replied.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"Better question, why haven't I seen you since Thursday." Himika interjected.

"We don't have time for this right now." Kaneki sighed. "Help me get these ghouls out of here. You think you can deal with some of the low ranking Doves?"

"Of course I can, I have ninjutsu on my side as well." She replied.

"Then get to it." Kaneki ordered.

Himika jumped off the bus without another word and stood in front of five Doves, all of them young and clearly fairly new. She brought up her two hands and formed hand signs, creating four water clones, making them evenly matched.

"Did she just make copies of herself?" One of the men asked.

"Ghouls can't do that!" Another yelled.

Before they could continue their petty argument, Himika's water clones got to work, using their kagune to slash and impale their targets. When the clones had all been turned into puddles, their were only two investigators left, clinging tightly onto their weapons.

"We need backup! We have encountered a new ghoul! Estimated rank is A or even S level! She appears to be using some kind of magic!" One of them screamed into a radio.

"It's ninjutsu dumbass." Himika muttered to herself before launching at him to attack, kagune poised to strike.

"She's fast! What the hell is she?! A ninja?!" The other man yelled.

"Actually I'm a kunoichi." Himika corrected, suddenly appearing behind him.

The man screamed before Himika's kagune pierced through his chest, sending the last remaining Dove into a panic attack.

"P-please! D-don't k-kill m-me!" He pleaded.

His pleas fell on deaf ears as Himika scoffed.


There was a thud, and the last Dove's body hit the concrete.

Eat Himika. No point in wasting so much.

Himika debated leaving them alone, but found herself getting a little hungry after using her kagune and chakra.

"Eat a little Himika, after this we need to leave." Kaneki said, landing beside her and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Got it." She replied, unzipping her mask.

She ate until she was full, having the decency to leave most of their bodies so they could be identified, especially their hands and faces.

"Time to go." Kaneki said, beginning to walk away.

"Coming." Himika replied, quickly following after him.

Most of the ghouls who had been released had fled, going in their separate directions, but a blonde ghoul and what looked like his bodyguards stuck close behind Kaneki. Himika assumed these were the ghouls Kaneki had wanted to retrieve, although she wasn't sure why, unless the news wasn't lying when they said he could be working for another group she didn't remember the name of.

"As soon as we arrive I want an explanation." Himika demanded.

"And an explanation you will get." Kaneki agreed.

Not so trustworthy now huh.

'Shut it Shin.'

The blonde guy stayed silent, but Himika noticed that he wouldn't stop crying, she didn't know why, nor did she care. The two bodyguards behind her however did creep her out, she could feel their eyes staring her down, most likely trying to find out if she was a friend or foe.

Eventually Kaneki lead them to what Himika assumed was an abandoned building. He lead them up a flight of stairs where there appeared to be an abandoned toy store of some sort. A tall blue haired boy approached Kaneki, almost immediately noticing Himika, who wasn't supposed to be there.

"Who is she?" He asked.

"My sister, Himika." Kaneki replied.

"Sister?" He repeated.

"Not biologically, but I still expect you to take her seriously." Kaneki said, glaring at him.

"Fine." He scoffed, turning to face Himika. "I'm Ayato, just don't get in my way."

"Wasn't planning on it." Himika replied, wondering why he reminded her of someone.

"We have lot's to discuss about our next mission. Since Himika decided to show up, I guess we have to include her in our next mission. Meet me upstairs, both of you." Ayato said, beginning to walk away.

Meanwhile, the strange blonde man was sobbing on the floor, attempting to write someone's name in crayon on the floor.

"Boss Yamori..." He sniffled. "Big brother Yamori..."

He continued trying to spell 'Yamori' until Kaneki gently took the crayon from him and wrote it for him. The blonde man smiled as he touched the crayon.

"So that's how it's spelt." He said. "You're an okay guy Eyepatch!"

Kaneki turned away, speaking to Himika. "Let's go."

"Not yet." Himika protested. "I'll catch up."

"Fine." Kaneki agreed before walking away slowly.

Himika crouched down on the floor in front of the blonde man, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Who are you?" He asked, clearly not having heard the conversation with Ayato.

"I'm Himika," She answered. "Who are you?"

"I'm Naki." He replied, still sniffling.

"Nice to meet you Naki." Himika said before standing up. "See you around."

Himika gave Naki a quick wave goodbye as she began following after Kaneki. Naki waved back as his bodyguards stood silently next to him.

"See you!" Naki yelled down the hall.

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