23. The Task Team

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After a long silence, Nico continues carefully: "Right around the world groundbreaking experts and their families have vanished in the course of 20 years. Someone at Interpol became suspicious and a special, international, secret task team was established to investigate the possibility that an underground organization clandestinely occupy themselves with very dangerous illegal research with very sinister motives.

"In the meantime, face identification technology developed to such a stage that the task team established a network of points at key air port's customs that especially are on the lookout for any of these missing scientists. The previous month, surprisingly, a group of tourists - most of them were of the missing scientists - arrived from India at Johannesburg airport and flew from there to Port Elizabeth with new identities. Unluckily, they vanished without a trace here in PE and it is then when I was asked for help and I became part of the international team. I must help to find these people and ascertain what they are up to."

"We tried to find out why exactly they are here in South Africa. Long story short, we found that they are here because one of the scientists that they had tried to get into their web years ago, had escaped and is now a professor who teaches philosophy at the Port Elizabeth University. It was when we investigated and I made contact with Professor Johan de Lange, that we were pretty sure what these people are up to when we have learned about his superior knowledge. Prof Johan is a retired, pioneer virologist and had way back during his scientific research incidentally found something that these people had been unable to discover.

"This group of scientists is in Port Elizabeth because they want to manipulate Prof Johan to help them with the development of the last step in the construction of their biological weapon. They probably have a laboratory ready and want to get their weapon perfected and then they will dispatch it all around the world to resting terror cells situated in every country. It seems as if their goal is to destroy our civilization in order to bring about a new one from scratch with their chosen ones amongst the survivors. They believe our civilization is like a virus that is going to destroy Mother Earth if they don't annihilate our civilization."

Nico shakes his head despondently and looks at Kadin. "Kadin, you had direct contact with this Vipracitti, these people's occult leader. Your conversation is extremely important because it may confirm some of our suspicions. What did Vipracitti tell you while Billy was in the toilet? It may be crucial."

Kadin tries hard to remember. "He confused me a lot and I was angry and worried. I wish I had known how important it would be."

"Please Kadin, try to remember. Think it over. When you remember one thing, other information might come into your mind."

Kadin thinks deeply. "The man said funny things that didn't make sense to me. He said he would like to chat a little with me because we are going to go a long way together and then I asked his name and he told me."

Kadin's eyes narrow as she concentrates and tries hard to remember. "Then he spoke of light and darkness that will protect us in the near future together throughout the awful end of everything that we know now that will lead us to a new beginning."

Kadin's eyes suddenly brighten and she remembers everything clearly as if their conversation has just happened. "Very difficult times lie ahead and what happens to us now is just the preparation. The evil that came over us, created a bond between our families and our families will melt together to navigate the terrible evil when our world perish. The light and darkness will soon protect us throughout the terrible end of everything that we know now and will lead us to a new beginning. I will remember his words and although it doesn't make sense to me now, I will one day understand there is only one way. We will bring the only flickering flame of hope for a new world to him and he will then end the darkness that he brought in the world and a new world of light and hope will start. This is suddenly so clear in my thoughts."

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