32 The improbable message

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Chloefeels very lonely after Leo has left and she is longing for Isaac'sreturn from the hospital. She expects him to return early and doesn'twant to leave. She decides to go and lie on her bed and ponders theeventualities during the last days until she gradually eventuallyfalls into an afternoon nap. She activates the alarm and overthinksLeo's visit and Hunter's news and slowly drowsiness overtakesher.

Isaacis standing next to her bed with only a towel around his loins. Shemarvels at his well-built body when he bends over to kiss her. Hestops when they hear knocking at the front door. The knockingpersists and becomes more audible and she awakes slowly and thenrealizes Isaac has not really been present. She has awoken in themiddle of a dream. She deactivates the alarm and dizzily walks to thefront door. She peeps and smiles happily and quickly opens the doorand the gate.

"I have been dreaming about myprince just a while ago and now he is standing right in front of mydoor!"

Isaac smiles and holds out a paperbag in front of him.

"This prince bought a nice lunchat Spur. We must be quick, it's still warm. Come with me to mypalace. Another J.C. Le Roux is waiting and beautiful music."

"What is the time? I feltdownhearted and longed for you and I fell into sleep and guess whostole my dreams?"

"Itis two-o'-clock and the rain is gone. The sky is clear."

"Goodness! I am so thankful yousurprised me with lunch. I would have felt so guilty if you werehungry and I haven't even made a plan. Thank you, my dearest."

Shetakes the key out of the lock, closes the door and locks it. With theremote still in her hand, she activates the alarm. She ducks in underhis armpit and he leads her to his cosy palace.

Theyenjoy their meal at the table in the kitchen and after that they landnext to each other on the soft leather sofa. The music of theall-around sound system encircles them and she is enchanted by hisexcellent choice of music while they leisurely drink Cold Duck andsometimes taste it out of each other's mouths.

Chloe smiles happily. She feelsthey had drunk hopelessly too much sparkling wine but she doesn'tcare. She feels utterly safe, is vulnerable in his arms and the wineenhances the feeling. She looks into his blue eyes and speaks like asmall, naughty girl.

"Doctor Isjaac Horn, you arrr amedical doctorrr. We have polisjjed a whole J SSji le RRoux in yourkitssjen. Now we sjjit and boosjj alsjo Cold Duck. I thought theysjay one sjjould not drrrink more than two glassjes per day."

She pulls her nose up in a littlefrown. "What ddo you sjjay, doc. Huh?"

Isaacsmiles and it is clear that he enjoys her drunken mimicry immenselyand he imitates her and also speaks like a young girl.

"They sjjay alsjo one sjjoulddrrrink two literssj of water a day and we do sjo. Wine consjistsmainly of water."

She looks at him strangely andfrowns and opens her eyes wide. "Arrre you drrrunk, sjjir?"

"This sjjir isjjn't, butthisjj girl issj very."

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