42. The Fort

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Nico and Francois clutch their bleeding hands while Nico shouts dismayed: "Are you mad!"

The rest freeze like statues; too bewildered to do or say anything.

Jack slowly shakes his head from side to side and frowns: "I hope this will be your final lesson not to mess with me when I have this thing in my hand, Nico. Sorry, but you have given me no choice and as you see: I do it! Just a bit higher and I would shoot through the bones of your hands. I only shot through the underside of your palms so that the pain caused you losing your grips."

Amazed Francois and Nico are now looking at the cuts at the underside of their hands where the bullets cut through the flesh. Francois speaks for the first time in his heavy French accent: "Where did you learn to shoot like this? I have never experienced something like this before."

Nico adds: "32 Battalion?"

Without emotion, Jack looks at them: "Best sharpshooter in the whole battalion. So, be careful, and listen when I speak in the future."

Nico explains: "One of the legendary war units in the South African army during the bush war. This unit was feared to the extreme by the enemy. They were called The Terrible Ones; les terribles; and stories abound about their merciless cruelty. The most foot soldiers were Ovambo natives or SWAPO members that defected and Bushmen who were extremely talented trackers. White members, like our friend Jack here, were the commanders. Many of their ex-soldiers are, like you, mercenaries all over the world. Members of the SADF respected them and avoided them."

Francois nods his head slowly. He understands. He looks at his wound and shakes his head as if he doesn't want to believe it.

Jack gives instructions: "Michael, give me one of their pistols."

Michael hands one over. Jack takes it in his left hand. "Do you know how to handle a pistol, Michael?"

"I have been in the army, Jack."

"Okay, I just haven't got the time to check where and when. I'll take the chance. We are first going down the steps to make sure everything is safe. We take turns to cover each other around corners and then the other one will move past downwards, understood?"

Michael smiles. He wants to say something but keeps back. "I understand."

"And you guys follow, okay?"

Rene puts her hand up: " Jack, wait!"

Jack frowns. "What now?"

Rene turns to Nico and Francois. "Nico, do you have handkerchiefs or something? Those wounds are bleeding profusely. Look at the blood dripping on the floor."

Nico takes out a handkerchief from his left pocket.

Jack warns her: "No, my dear, it is not safe. They can grab you and put a knife to your throat to manipulate me."

Rene gives him a dirty look. "Leave it, Jack, I'll be quick. That is the least I can do to correct your dirty work."

She takes Nico's handkerchief and he holds out his hand and she bandages it quickly and effectively. "I hope it will stem the bleeding for now."

Rene looks Nico in his eyes. "Forgive him, please. I'm so sorry. He is losing it totally when it comes to his family."

Nico smiles at her. "It's okay. It looks as if you know what you are doing. Nursing?"

"A little bit, yes."


She looks at Francois who is standing ready with his handkerchief. She quickly bandages his hand also and when she's finished she takes his wrist: "Sorry, but do as he says. He is extremely dangerous when his family is threatened."

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