38 - Caught off guard

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The sun shone through the barricaded windows when he awoke and he was down in the dumps. He lost all hope. Why did he only look in front of him? He should have looked back before he took the code from his pocket and tried to throw it amongst the bushes. He was overcautious and afraid if he looked back it would make them suspicious, but then the guy stalked him and caught him out. It sunk all his plans and he is now without hope. They have moved immediately to the new place where he is kept in a similar room. He is only thankful that they allow him to phone Martie daily and that his friends still join him during meals. They treated Martie smartly because she sounds very happy. He asked her where the place is where she now lives, but she doesn't know. They haven't flown and it didn't take long to get there so it must be somewhere in the vicinity; at least still in South Africa.

Furthermore Johan discovered that he is now at the place where things are happening. He is at the underground laboratory where the team of scientists work which he is supposed to help with the last step of the mutation of their virus. Ronald and Elize took him down with the escalator and introduced him to his new colleagues. He was given the opportunity to start immediately and to show them what he had discovered years ago, but naturally he declined.

The members of the team only smiled and Ronald shook his head. "Our guru has already landed in Port Elizabeth, Johan, and it is only a matter of time before you are going to meet him. He will convince you to see things our way and then we will be working together amiably. You will see!"

Johan could not understand why the guru hasn't appeared as yet. It was nerve wracking because he knew this ominous meeting would be a turning point and he did not really know what to expect. He is still not willing to give in and he is not going to look into his eyes. So, he wonders how this man will dominate him and he is afraid that eventually they will use Martie to break him. He has no answers for this problem.

The intercom crackled this morning and the same German voice sounded friendly: "Johan, wake up! Here is a very important visitor especially for you."

Johan swung his legs off the bed and looked up at the intercom. "Thank you, Marie. Good morning, how are you this morning?"

"Fine, as always, Johan, thanks."

He had seen the face behind the voice. She is Marie Einstein, a middle-aged psychologist, looking after all the people's mental health. At this stage he seems to be her main responsibility.

"Who is this visitor, Marie? Is this the man who messes with all of your heads and that landed days ago and believes he is going to indoctrinate me but doesn't come to me? Is it him that eventually came?"

Marie first laughed before she answered joyfully. "We keep it a surprise."

They fetched him later on after he had freshened up for the new day and they brought him here to a table and left him where he is now sitting anxiously.

The room is ice cold and empty except for the air conditioner and a mirror against the wall. Johan suspects it is a one-way window and that they are watching him. It resembles a cross examination room at a police station where they interrogate criminals. He also suspects the air conditioner is purposely turned extra cold. He feels vulnerable with the cold that bites into his flesh. Is he going to meet this leader of the occult here and now?

The door behind him opens and he recognizes Aryan, the man who was in charge at the park when things got out of hand. He is disappointed. It is not the mysterious guru that everyone is talking about. Aryan comes in and closes the door. He has got something in his hands when he walks around the table and sits down opposite Johan. Aryan puts down a piece of paper and slides it over while he stares sharply at Johan.

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