Dear Poets Everywhere

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Another one about general writers block , I get it for weeks at a time and then when I finally can - it feels like it's all rubbish , this was written after one of these episodes , I hope it's alright ...

Why don't the words leap from my pen ?

Why do they fall in jagged chunks from my mouth ?

Why can I not convey

Quite what I want to say ?

Doctors have a term for it

This " social anxiety "

This mixing of dictionaries and their unpredictable outcome

Mine are the best to hear - they cannot be outdone

Letters are repeated over and over

Their patience is wearing

Closer and closer

Get it together

Get it together

Spit out the words that are there

Hope they kind of make sense

Hope they're not too flawed

Sudden realisation it dawns

That one was especially bad

That odd mix

Of vowels and consonant

That cake mix gone wrong

As the beauty deflates

I opened the door again too soon

It's a chemistry

It really is

One element makes it right

One degree makes it wrong

I walk the line

Of poetry and description

Wearing the shackles of anxiety

Made to lay in the bed of words

To toss and turn amongst other inmates

Other poets who aren't quite sure what they're saying either

Who trip and stumble over their syllables

Who look sideways in that " damn I went wrong " way

Who let out that sigh

We can never be happy with what we write

It's the one trait common among us all

Just keep that line in sight

And pray that none of us fall

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